Page 13 - Windsor Wellness
P. 13


                                                                                              A distinguishing feature of Employee
                                                                                              Health + Wellness offering is the SENS
                                                                                              Solution® Wellness program, a collab-
                                                                                              orative, doctor-guided approach to
                                                                                              employee wellness, focusing on four
                                                                                              pillars of healthy living:

                                                                                              • SLEEP

                                                                                              • EXERCISE

                                                                                              • NUTRITION

                                                                                              • STRESS MANAGEMENT

                                                                                              Employee Health + Wellness enables
                                                                                              you to extend  the SENS Solution
                                                                                              Health Coaching program to your
                                                                                              employees for ongoing wellness
                                                                                              support and expertise.  SENS Health
                                                                                              Coaches provide each employee with
                                                                                              customized support and education,
                                                                                              and collaborate with the employee’s
                                                                                              doctor, creating a unique and robust
                                                                                              approach to help your employees
                                                                                              achieve their wellness goals.
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