Page 51 - Happy collo book (2)_Neat
P. 51
Daily life context
ESP context
wander aimlessly: เดนเตรดเตรโดยไรจดหมาย
overnight journey: การเดนทางขามคน
I didn't know what to do, so l just wandered
The bus was on an overnight journey
aimlessly around town all morning.
from Songkhla to Chiang Mai.
totally agree: เหนดวยอยางยง
regular exercise: ก
The group totally agreed with his proposal.
Regular exercise and physical activity may
help keep your thinking, learning, and
strongly recommend: แนะนําเปนอ
judgment skills sharp as your age. ย่างยิ่ง
Before taking action, you are strongly
large size: ขนาดใหญ ่
recommended to consult an accountant.
I want the sweater in the large size,
distinctly remember: จําไดชดเจน
but they only have medium. ั
Jennie distinctly remembered leaving the
tight schedule: กําหนดการแนน
key at the reception. ่
It was an alarmingly tight schedule.
rise sharply: เพมขนอยางรวดเรว
Profits rose sharply in July.
serious accident: อบตเหตรายแรง