Page 44 - Happy Collo Book
P. 44


                                                                                                                                                   EXAMPLE SENTENCES

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Daily life context

                                                                   perfectly normal: ปกตด                                                                                                                                  ี

                                              It's perfectly normal to be nervous

                                              before an exam.

                                                           seriously rich: รํ่ารวย

                                              He wanted to make big money, to be

                                              seriously rich.

                                                           conveniently located: ทําเลทตงเหมาะสม

                                                  The house is conveniently located, a short

                                                 walk from the city center.

                                                                   terribly sorry: ขอโทษจากใจจรง

                                                 I’m terribly sorry but I’m afraid I’ve broken

                                                 one of your cups.

                                                                  keenly interested: รสกสนใจอยางมาก

                                              Sam first went to a football match at the age

                                              of five and has been keenly interested in it

                                              since then.
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