Page 32 - E-Modul_Self-Introduction For 7 Grade SMP
P. 32
II. Score for Formative Test
No Description Score
1 Students answered 10 questions and were correct 10
2 Students answered 9 questions and were correct 9
3 Students answered 8 questions and were correct 8
4 Students answered 7 questions and were correct 7
5 Students answered 6 questions and were correct 6
6 Students answered 5 questions and were correct 5
7 Students answered 4 questions and were correct 4
8 Students answered 3 questions and were correct 3
9 Students answered 2 questions and were correct 2
10 Students answered 1 questions and were correct 1
11 Students do not answer 0
Total Score= final score = student scores x 10
III. Score for Evaluation
No. Score Information
1 4 Able to explain self-introduction completely and clearly
3 Able to explain self-introduction clearly
2 Able to explain self-introduction briefly
1 Able to explain self-introduction with slightly wrong
2 4 Able to explain the difference between introducing
oneself and others completely and clearly
3 Able to explain the difference between introducing
oneself and others clearly