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ietSea Company

                        You require the best - We’re doing no less

              Oil  &  commodities  trading  requires  a  lot  of  ships  for

              ocean  transportation.  Our  in-house  chartering  team  is

              serving  greatly  trading  activities  as  always  a  part  of

              entire  group.  Our  shipping  business  signed  up  to

              hundreds  fixtures  a  year,  from  small  size  ships  of  few

              thousands deadweight to large size of very large crude

              carrier (VLCC).

              We  co-invest  in  shipping  assets  with  other  partners,

              operate a number of tankers, LPG ships and tugboats to
      Oil  &  commodities  trading  requires  a  lot  of  ships  for  ocean

      transportation.  Our  in-house  chartering  team  is  serving  greatly
              support  our  group’s  trading  and  third  party’s

      trading  activities  as  always  a  part  of  entire  group.  Our  shipping

      business signed up to     hundreds fixtures a year, from small size ships
              We  thank  to  our  in-house  ship-management’s

      of few thousands deadweight to large size of very large crude carrier
              contribution who safely operates, controls the fleet in

              both technical and commercial aspects, ensures highest
      We  co-invest  in  shipping  assets  with  other  partners,  operate  a
              standard, safe for human beings and sea environment.
      number  of  tankers,  LPG  ships  and  tugboats  to  support  our  group’s
              Ocean  transportation  is  important  in  the  oil  &
      trading and third party’s requirement.

              commodity trading. Hence, we are continuously looking
      We thank to our in-house ship-management’s contribution who safely
              for  good    investment  opportunities  in  oil  tankers,
      operates, controls the fleet in both technical and commercial aspects,
              shore-tanks, dry bulkers and floating storages for now
      ensures  highest  standard,  safe  for  human  beings  and  sea
              and future.

                       Copyright © VietSea Company 2020. All rights reserved.
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