Page 42 - Jefferson County AR 1889 History (Goodspeed)
P. 42

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                   JEFFERSON WUNTP.
 IThomas W. Boisclair, is a native of Rich- is a native of Giles County, Tenn.. when he was

Imond County, Ga., where he was born on Sep- born in the year 1838. Hie parents were Thomas

:tember 26, 1829, being the son of Peter F. Bois- ! and Mary Brewster, natives of Eogland, who were

clair, whose birth occnrred in New Jersey in 1796, married in that country, and came to America at
and who was educated in Augusta, Ga. The 1st. an early period, first settling in Tennessee. I n

ter, after growing up, married Miss Maria Wray, 1841 they moved to Mississippi and located in

a native of Richmond, Va., and the h i t s of this / Tishomingo County, but in 1859 again changed

union were ten children, six sons and four daugh- ! their location to Arkansas and settled in Drew

tera, of whom three are now living. two sons nnd County, where the father embarked in mercantile

a daughter. Peter F. Boisclair was a farmer and life, and resided for the rest of his days. He was

miller by occupation and was quite well off. He ; killed in 1867, accidentally, either by a mule or a

1owned about 2,600 acres of pine lands near Ail- negro, the true facts have never been brought to

gusta, Ga., 800 acres of which were under cultiva- light, while the mother died two years previous.

tion, and he was acknowledged to be an honest, i Thirteen children were born to their marriage, of

indnvtrions citizen. He was also very prominent ; whom six are yet living: Mrs. Taylor (reaiding in

Iin the political affairs of the day, having served as i Mississippi), Albert, Robert, Alphonse and James

sheriff of the conuty for twenty years and as G. A. Brewster, the principal in this sketch, was

deputy United States marshal for four years. He reared in Mississippi, and received a limited edu-

'was a member of the Masonic lodge and held I cation in the schools of that State, but by self tui-

s o w of the principal offices. During the War of tion he gained coneiderable knowledge, which,

'1812 he served as a private until 1815, when he added to his own quick perception and natural

was discharged and returned home, there entering shrewdness, made him tnlly able to cope with the

upon a clerkship in a commission house. He - world in after life. In 1858 he came to Drew

and wife were both church members, he of the . County. Ark., and followed varions pursnita until

Catholic and she of the Baptist Church. They ' the Civil War commenced He then enlisted in

died in 1848 and 1850, respectively. Thomas W. Company F, Ninth Arkansas Infantry, and served
Boisclair was educated in Augusta, Ga., receiving 1 gailantly until the surrender. He received a

his diploma in 1848, and in 1868 moved to Mis. wound at the battle of Shiloh, and also at Corinth,

sissippi, where he married Miss %. E. Murray , and on July 19, 1864, he was again wounded at

on June 15, 1864. She was also a native of the battle ot Peach Tree Creek. The following

Georgia, and the daughter of Col. Thomas and day he received a rifle ball in the left thigh, but in

Elizabeth Mnrray. To Mr. and Mrs. Boisclair spite of his battered condition kept right on in the

have been born seven children, five sons and two front ranbs. After the war was over Mr. Brew-

daughters, but of these only five are now living: / ster came back to Drew County and resided there

/Thomas M:, Mitchel D., Maria E., Henry 8.( d ~ . for a short time. He then moved to what is now

'ceased),U7illiamW., Mary C. (who diedin infancy), Cleveland County, where he farmed and carried

and Pierre F. Mr. Boisclair moved from nlissis- on a general merchandise store until the year 1880,

/sippi to Arkansas in 1877, and he, like his father, when he came to Pine Blaff, his present home.

is a successful tiller of thp soil. He belongs to ( He here established a wholesale and retail grmery

;the Masonic lodge, in which he has held a mem- hnsiness, in which he continued with succeas for

bership since October, 1854. He has discharged some time, and in the spring of 1888he openedup

the duties connected with the office of magistrata a brick yard, now one of the best paying indus-

and is a much respected citizen. Mrs. Boisclair is tries in that section. Mr. Brewster is also largely

a member of the Baptist Church.                   -I+interested in the real estate business, and in a
    A. Brewster, a prominent briok manufacturer,
                                                  financial sense is one of the most solid men in Pine
and a member of the firm of Brewster & Lefler,    Blnff. He is a member of the Musonic fraternity,

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