Page 8 - Jefferson County AR 1889 History (Goodspeed)
P. 8

Introduction to the
                 Hearthstone Legacy Publications

                           Ebook edition of

    Jefferson County, Arkansas 1889 History

         During the 1880’s and 1890’s an ambitious project was underway by
The Goodspeed Publishing Company and several others to document the histo-
ry of numerous American counties. These histories documented the earliest set-
tlement of the county as well as the events that shaped its history such as natu-
ral disasters, political events, crimes, Civil War events, and its prominent citi-
zens and organizations.

         Among those county histories was a combined volume titled
“Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Central Arkansas”. From that vol-
ume, we have extracted and present here, the complete Jefferson County,
Arkansas section, including the biographical section.

         This edition is a photo replica of the pages from the original edition and
so is an exact copy of the pages pertaining to Jefferson County exactly as they
appeared in 1889. The original grammar and spellings (and misspellings) are
exactly as they appeared in the original printing.

         The page numbering of the original edition has been retained in this
edition. As a result, you will note that the history of Jefferson County begins
on page 124 and concludes on page 230. An addition section of “Colored
Citizens” is from page 795 to page 808. (Note: Several engravings have been
relocated from other sections of the book.)

         Turn the page and you will have stepped back more than 115 years in
the history of Jefferson County, Arkansas. You will read of the ordinary as well
the extraordinary people and events who shaped the communities and organiza-
tions that continue to this day. May you enjoy the journey back to pioneer times
in this newly settled land!
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