Page 142 - Arkansas Confederate Women
P. 142
By Mrs. J. W. McMurray.
Mrs. D. H. Eeynolds. the subject of this sketch, was a Miss
Wallace, born in Holmes county, Mississippi in 1845 ; moved
to Arkansas in 1859, and shared in the fortunes of our State
during the war and reconstruction period. She met General
Eeynolds in Lake Village soon after his return from the war,
in which he had lost a leg, shot off by a cannon ball at Benton-
ville, N. C, in the last important battle of the war. They were
married in 1868, a lovely uniting of two fine characters. The
General accepted the results of the -war in the spirit of our
heroes, resumed his law practice at Lake Village and invested
in land of Chicot county to the amount, at one time, of about
sixty thousand acres, in the mapping and platting of which
Mrs. Eeynolds developed a correct and artistic talent. Their
home on Lake Chicot was presided over by Mrs. Eeynolds with
sweet grace and was the center of generous hospitality. General
Albert Pike and Attorney General A. H. Garland and other
prominent members of the Arkansas bar, were always at home
there and as long as they lived cherished the recollection of the
hospitality they had enjoyed.
Mrs. Eeynolds is the mother of five children, the eldest,
Mrs. Joseph Hill, wife of our Chief Justice, Eobert W., who
sacrificed his young life and promising manhood in his coun-
try's cause, being first Lieutenant in the Thirteenth Cavalry U.
S. A., and- dying in the IT. S. hospital at Hot Springs in 1906,
shortly after his return from two' years service in the Philip-
pines. The second daughter, Eleanor, is unma'rried and a
third, Euth is now the wife of Mr. Frank Bull, assistant cashier
in the Chicot bank; these with Daniel H. Jr., the youngest son,
all survive to bless the declining years of their devoted mother.
These are only a few dry facts in the life of our friend,
but they form the framework of a picture that lives in the
hearts of those who know her best. A picture from which shines