Page 21 - Arkansas Confederate Women
P. 21

Preface iv.

heavier- reading but to bring forward a feature of Confederate

life that historians covet.

      Few Confederate Veterans will read these pages with dry

eyes. They will read of Sterling Price's body guard of eighty
men appearing on the streets of Camden from their Missouri
raid with sockless feet and almost frozen when the Southern

ladies gave every man. of them a pair of socks and some of

them shoes and then worked day and night, Sunday and weekday,

to make up the deficit for the boxes they were sending to
their own loved ones on distant battlefields. They will read
of tenderly raised Southern women working in the fields alone

with negro servants to raise a simple crop, that was to be

carried off by Federal raiders.

      The women who wove and spun the clothing of the Southern
soldier and their own, who risked their lives in bearing
important dispatches to Confederate generals, . who spent days
and nights at the cot of the soldier in the hospital and who have

cared for the graves of the Confederate dead even to the extent

of erecting countless memorial monuments and leaving their
own heroism to be unnoticed, if not unknown, deserve to be com-
memorated in the grandest records and finest monument that
man's genius can devise. The old Confederate veterans of Arkan-
sas would otherwise indeed be ungrateful to the noble women
who stood by the Southern cause in war and, when all was lost
but honor, received the broken-down father, husband and
brother, without a tear or anything but comforting words and

cheerful smiles.

                                  J. M. LUCEY, Chairman,

                             DAN W. JONES,
                               CHARLES COFFIN,

                                    V. Y. COOK,
                                   J. H. BERRY,
                                 J. KELLOGG, Secretary.

       Committee of the Arkansas Division, U. C. V., on Memorial

to the Women of the Confederacy.

       This book is published for the benefit of the fund to erect a

monument to the women of the Confederacy in Arkansas. The

price of the book is, paper bound, 50 cents; cloth bound, $1.00. If
ordered by mail, 6 cents must be added for the paper bound copy
and 12 cents for the cloth bound copy. Cash in full must accom-
pany every order. Apply to or address, J. Kellogg, Secretary Mem.
Com., 309 W. Second St., Little Rock, Ark.
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