Page 228 - Arkansas Confederate Women
P. 228
Origin of the United Daughters of Confederacy 201
morning Mrs. Goodlett and Mrs. Haines presented a draft of
the new constitution of the new organization to be known as the
National Daughters of the Confederacy, which, after being
amended, was adopted, and the following officers were elected
for the ensuing year: Mrs. M. C. Goodlett, Nashville, Presi-
dent; Mrs. L. H. Eaines. Savannah, First Vice-President; Mrs.
J. C. Myers, Texas, Second Vice-President; Miss White May,
Nashville, Third Vice President ; Mrs. John P. Hickman, Nash-
ville, Secretary; Mrs. J. N. Lindsley, Nashville, Treasurer.
It was also determined at this meeting that the Nashville
Chapter should be known as No. 1, and the Savannah ,Chapter as
No. 2. Several errors and inaccuracies being discovered in the
constitution as adopted, another meeting was called to meet at
the same place on March 30, 1905. This meeting was attended
by all the ladies above mentioned, besides several others of the
Nashville Chapter, and Mrs. A. T. Smythe, of Charleston, S. C.
Mrs. William Parsley, of Wilmington, N. C. ; Mrs. Fleming
DuBignon and Miss Lamar, of Savannah, Ga. ; and Mrs. R. A.
Allison, of Jackson, Tenn.
At this meeting the constitution was amended. Mrs. Katie
Cabell Currie was made Vice-President in the place of Mrs.
Myers. Mrs. Smythe and Mrs. Parsley were made Vice-Presi-
dents, and the Wilmington Chapter was made No. 3, the Char-
leston Chapter No. 4, and the Jackson Chapter No. 5.
This proof has been gotten by records in the office of our
Secretary of State, proof by the parties who were present at the
meetings and from numerous letters from Mrs. L. H. Raines
to Mrs. M. C. Goodlett, which are now in the possession of Mrs.
Goodlett, and which have been exhibited to and read by the
If Mrs. Goodlett did not originate the idea, why was she
made the first president, and why was the Nashville Chapter
given the honor of being designated as No. 1 ?
All proof taken, and all letters from Mrs. L. H. Raines,
with all original papers, will be submitted to any committee
the Convention may see proper to appoint, if it is not convinced
by the statements herein set forth. Therefore,
Resolved, by the Nashville Chapter No. 1, that this state-