Page 53 - Arkansas Confederate Women
P. 53


spared to return home and be a comfort to her for the 11 years
that she lived after the war closed, and when at last she came
to the end of her pilgrimage she was ready to lay down the bur-
den she had borne so patiently and her beautiful, faithful and
gentle life will ever remain an inspiration, not only to her
children, but to all who ever came within the sphere of her


      Pew people living now have any idea what heroism it
required to be a Confederate mother. They lived in a state
of constant apprehension, fear of death or wounds to their soldier

boys at the front and fear of starvation and rags for the little
ones at home. Every strange face and every letter brought a
chill to the heart. Eagerly they listened for news from the front,
though at the same time dreading to hear what was oftener bad
news than good. They toiled and slaved and comforted each
other during the day, but at night while their little ones slept,
their pillows were wet with tears as they wept and prayed with
none but the great God to listen to their sobbing.

            A MODEST REQUEST.

A Wounded Confederate Harder Hit in the Hospital Than on

the Field.

      During the summer of 1864, while the hospitals of Rich-
mond were crowded with wounded, the ladies of the city visited

them daily, carrying with them delicacies of every kind and vied
with each other in their efforts to comiort and cheer up the

wounded. On one ocasion a bright-eyed damsel of about seven-

teen summers was distributing flowers and speaking tender
words of encouragement to those around her, when she over-

heard a young officer who was suffering from his wounds ex-

claim: "Oh, my Lord!" Approaching him rather timidly, in

OTder to rebuke his profanity, she said: "I think I heard you

call upon the name of the Lord. I am one of his daughters.

AIs there anything I can ask him for you ?" hasty glance upon

her lovely face and perfect form caused his countenance to

Himbrighten, as he instantly replied : "Yes, please ask  to

make me His son-in-law."
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