Page 103 - Adam's directory of points and landings on rivers and bayous in the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, ... Loui_Neat
P. 103


GARRETT'S LANDING, ia.— Ouachita river, above Harrisonburg,

                                         not above Trenton.

GARDNER'S, V . H. LANDING, ^?a.—Alabama river, above Sel-

                                     ma, not above Wetumpka.

GASCONDA RIYER, Jlfo.— Missouri river, above its mouth, not above

                                                 Jefierson City.

GATLIN'S LANDING, ia.—Red river, above Grand Eoore, not

                                         above Shreveport.

—GATLIM'S GIN, La. Red river, above Grand Ecore, not above


—GAUSSE'S LANDING, Ala. Alabama river, above Selma, not above


—GAYOSO, Mo. Mississippi river, above Memphis, not above the

                                         mouth of the Ohio.

—GAY'S LANDING, Arh. Arkansas river, 341 miles above Napoleon,

                                          above Little Rock, not above Norristown.

GAY'S PLANTATION, ia.—Mississippi liver, not above Bayou Sara.

—GAY'S LANDING, Ala. Tombigbee river, not above Demopolis.
GEM —PLANTATION, La. Ouachita river, above Harrisonburg, not

                                          above Trenton.

—GENEVA, Texas. Trinity river, above SmitLville, not above Magnolia


GEN. WILLIAM'S LANDING, J.rfc.—Arkansas river, 112 miles

                                          above Napoleon, above Arkansas Post, not

                                          above Pine Bluff.

GEN. GARRETT'S LANDING, J.rA;.—Arkansas river, 126 piles

                                          above Napoleon, above Arkansas Post, not

                                          above Pine Bluff.

GEN. YELL'S LANDING, Arh —Arkansas river, 175 miles above

                                          Napoleon, above Pine Bluff, not above Little


GEN. WARREN'S LANDING, ^r^.—Arkansas river, 184 miles

                                          above Napoleon, above Pine Bluff, not above

                                           Little Rock.

—GEN. EATON'S LANDING, Arlc. Arkansas river, 196 miles above

                                          Napoleon, above Pine Bluff, not above Little


GEN. CLAYTON'S (OAKLAND), ^r/c—Arkansas river, 131 miles

                                          above Arkansas Post, not above Pine Bluff.
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