Page 115 - Adam's directory of points and landings on rivers and bayous in the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, ... Loui_Neat
P. 115


HAMILTON CITY, life.—Mississippi river, 1375 miles above New

                                         Orleans, above the first, not above the second


HAMILTON'S LANDING, Zo.— Ouachita river, above Trenton, not

                                     above Alabama Landing.

—HAMILTON'S LANDING, Ala. Alabama river, not above Selma.

HAMILTON'S LANDING, ilfiss.—Tombigbee river, above Oolum-

                                \ bus, not above Cotton Gin Port.

HAMBURG, —Ills. Mississippi river, 1262 miles above New Orleans,

                                         above Alton, not above first Rapids.

—HAMBURG, Tenn. Tennessee river, above Eastport, not above Flor-


HAMBURG LANDING, Z«/.—Mississippi river, 1112 miles above

                                New Orleans, above the mouth of the Ohio

                                          river, not above Alton.

HAMBURG LANDING (J. S. SANFORD).—Bayou Bartholomew,

                                         above Arkansas line, not above Portland.

HANNA'S LANDING.— 264 miles up Sunflower river.
HAMITER'S LANDING, ^rA;.— Red river, 363 miles above Shreve

                                          port, above Fulton, not above Lanesport.

—HAMPTON, lU. Mississippi river, 1530 miles above New Orleans,

                                         above second Rapids, not above Galena.

—HAMBURG, Tenn. Tennessee river, not above Eastport.
—HANNA'S LANDING, Ala. Tombigbee river, above Demopolis,

                                          not above Gainesville.

HANCOCK'S LANDING, J.2fl.—Tombigbee river, above Demopolis,

                                          not above Gainesville.

—HANNIBAL, Mo. Mississippi river, 1316 miles above New Orleans,

                                          above Alton, not above foot of first Rapids.

HANOVER LANDING, Ind.—Ohio river, 436 miles above its moutt,

                                          above Paducah, not above Cincinnati.

HANGING —ROOK, Ohio. Obi^j river, 673 miles from its mouth,

                                         above Cincinnati.

HANLEY'S, JUDGE, LANDING, Texas.— UeA river, 310 miles

                                          above Shreveport, above Fulton, not above


HAURONET'S (W. 0. BRAZILLE).—Red river, above Cane river,

                                       not above Grand Ecore.

—HARBINS. Yazoo river, not above Yazoo City.
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