Page 19 - Adam's directory of points and landings on rivers and bayous in the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, ... Loui_Neat
P. 19


ALABAMA LANDING, ia.—Ouachita river, 340 miles from the

                                         mouth of the old river, above Trenton.

ALBAN —(Little Pass), Red river, above Shreveport, not above Caro-

                                                      lina Bluff.

ALB AN'S GUT, or STANTON'S.—Red river above foot of Raft, not

                                          above Fulton.

ALBANY, Za—Lake Caddo.

AIjBANY, ia.—^Red river, 17 miles above Shreveport, not above

                                         mouth of Black Bayou.

—ALBANY, Creo. Flint river, above Newtown.
—ALBEMARLE. Mississippi river, above Grand Gulf, not above Green-


—ALBINO INNO. Yazoo river, above Yazoo City, not above Leflore.

ALBION CITY.—Red riv£r, above Rowland and Mound City.

—ALBION, G. N. Red river, 487 miles above Shreveport, above

                                    Mound City.

ALDERBROOK, Ark.—White river, not above Batenville.
ALLEN'S FERRY.— St. Francis river, above Philips' Bayou.
ALLEN'S LANDING, ^i!«.—Warrior river, not above Tuscaloosa.

—ALLEN, J. D. (Palmetto Plantation.) Red river, above Alexandria,

                                       not above Cane river.

ALEXANDRIA, ia.—Red river, 360 miles fron) New Orleans.

—ALEXANDRIA, 0. Ohio river, 644 miles above its month, above


—ALEXANDRIA, Mo. Mississippi river, 210 miles above St. Louis,

                                          above Alton, not above first Rapids.

—ALEXANDRIA (Mrs.) Red river, not above Alexandria.

ALEXANDER (Dr.)— 136 miles up B(^uf river, above Thomas'


—ALEXANDER'S. Bayou Bartholomew, above Point Pleasant, not

                                          above Arkansas line.

ALEXANDER LANDING.—Big Deer Creek, not above Yazoo City.
ALL RIGHT LANDING, ia.—Mississippi river, above Grand Gulf,

                                         not above Greenville.

ALL NUT'S LANDING, ia.—Bayou Macon, 110 miles from its

                                          mouth, not above Monticello.

ALLIGATOR.—rThompson's, Yazoo river, not above Yazoo City.
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