Page 205 - Adam's directory of points and landings on rivers and bayous in the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, ... Loui_Neat
P. 205


PRAIRIE LANDING.—BoBuf river, not above Thomas' Landing.
PRAIRIE LEE, re.»m.— Caldwelll county, Texas.

—PRATT, J. L. Bavou Bartholomew, above Point Pleasant, not above

                                          Arkansas line.

PRATT'S LA NDING,-afo.—Mississippi river, 1107 miles aboveNew Or-

                                         leans, above the mouth of the Ohio river, not

                                          above Alton.

PRATER'S LANDING, Xa.—Black river. La.
PRENTISS' LANDING, ikfiss.—Mississippi river, above Greenville,

                                        not above Memphis.

—PRESTON, III. Mississippi river, above the mouth of the Ohio, not

                                          above Alton.

—PRESTON, Texas. Red river, 766 miles above Shreveport, above

                                    Mound City.

—PRESTON, Ki/. Ohio river, 452 miles from its mouth, above Padu-

                                           cah, not above Oincinnati,

—PRESOOTT, Wis. Mississippi river, 1830 miles above New Orleans,

                                          above Galena.

PRESNALL'S LANDING, ilfo.—Alabama river, not above Selma.
PRICE'S LANDING, iWo.—Mississippi river, 1048 miles from New

                                        Orleans, above the mouth of the Ohio, not

                                          above Alton.

—PRIDE'S LANDING, Miss. Mississippi river, above Greenville, not

                                        above Memphis.

—PRINCETON, Texas. Sabine river, above Sabine City, not above


—PRINCETON, Miss. Mississippi river, 500 miles above New Orleans,

                                        above Grand Gulf, not above Greenville.

—PRINCETON, Iowa. Mississippi river, 1592 miles above New Or-

                                      leans, above the second Rapids, not above Du-


PRI ANT'S, HARDY.—'Red river, above Grand Ecore, not above


PRITCHARD'S FERRY.—Pearl river, not above Columbia.
PRINCE'S LANDING, ^rfc.—Little Red river, below the junction of

                                       White and Black rivers.

PRINCE'S, COL. LANDING, ^rA,—Tombigbee river, not above


—PROTHROE'S. Red river, above Cane river, not above Grand Ecore.
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