Page 211 - Adam's directory of points and landings on rivers and bayous in the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, ... Loui_Neat
P. 211
—RICEVILLE, Miss. Pearl rivei, above Gainesville, uot above Oo-
' luinbia.
—RICHLAND, Ark. Arkansas river, 130 miles above Napoleon, above
Arkansas Post, not above Pine Bluff.
—RICHFIFLD, Mo. Missouri river, 373 miles from its moutb, above
Lexington, not above latan.
RICHARDS' LANDING, ^r^i;.—White river, cue mile from its
mouth, below junction of Black river,
RICHARDSON'S LANDING, ia.—Bajou Macon, 175 miles above
its mouth, not above Monticello.
RICHARDSON'S BLUFF, Texas.—NeoheB river, above Weisse's
Bluff, not above junction of Angelina river.
RICKER S, R. R. LANDING, ^irA;.—Red river, 140 miles above
Shreveport, above Black Bayou, not above
White Oak Sboals.
RIDDELL'S POINT, Jfiss.—Mississippi river, 901 miles above New
Orleans, above Greenville, not above Memphis.
—RIFLE POINT, La. Mississippi river, above Bayou Sara, not above
Grand Gulf.
RIFLE DAVE LANDING, Teww.—Cumberland river, not above
—RIGOLET BON DIEU, La. Red. river, above Cane river, not above
Grand Ecore.
RINGGOLD BLUFF, ^ia.—Tombigbee river, above Gainesville, uot
above Columbus.
—RIO FARRELL, Ark. Arkansas river, 29 miles above Napoleon, not
above Arkansas Post. '
RIPLEY, Ohio.—Oh\o river, 585 miles above its mouth, above Cin-
—RISING SUN, Miss. Yazoo river, 229 miles from Vicksburg, above
Yazoo City, not above Leflore.
—RISING SUN, Ind. Ohio rivei^ 504 miles from its mouth, above Pa-
ducah, not above Cincinnati.
—RISING SUN, Wis. Mississippi river, 1734 miles above New Orleans,
above Galena,
—RIVERTON PLACE, La. Mississippi river, 75 miles above New
Orleans, not above Bayou Sara.
—RIVERSIDE, Miss. Mississippi river, 210 miles above New Orleans,
above Bayou Sara, not above Grand Gulf.