Page 264 - Adam's directory of points and landings on rivers and bayous in the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, ... Loui_Neat
P. 264


WILMINGTON.—Ouachita river, 4S3 miles from Old river, above

                                     Alabama Landing, not above Camden.

WINCHESTER, ilfm.— Chioasaha river.
WINDHAM'S LANDING, ^?a.—Tombigbee river, above Gaines-

                                         ville, not above Columbus.

—WINONA, Miss. Jackson railroad, 290 miles from New Orleans.
—WINONA. Mississippi river, above Galena.

—WINNSBOEO, La, (Interior)j shipping point at Chandler's Landing,

                                       Bayou Macon, not above Monticello.

WISCONSIN RIVEE, TFm.—Mississippi river, 1672 miles above New

                                          Orleans, above Galena.

WISENEN LANDING, ia.--Eed river, 2 miles above Shreveport^

                                          not above Carolina Bluff.

WITTENBURG, Jifo.—Missouri river, 1103 miles above New Orleans,

                                        above the mouth of the Ohio river, not above


WOLF —BLUFF, Ala. Warrior river, not above Tuscaloosa.

WOLF BAYOU, Ark—-Whhe river, above Batesville.
WOLF RIVER, Tenn —Mississippi river, 739 miles above New Or-

                                         leans, above Memphis, not above the mouth

                                          of the Ohio river.

WOLF —RIVEE. Missouri river, 611 miles above its mouth, above


—WOOD'S LANDING, La. Ouachita river, above Harrisonburg, not

                                          above Trenton.

WOODYAED'S LANDING, ^ia.-Tombigbee river, not above De-


WOODLAWN (or RUSH BAYOU).—Red river, above Grand Ecore,

                                           not above Shreveport.

WOODLAWN, ia.—Mississippi river, 95 miles above New Orleans,

                                      not above Bayou Sara.

WOODBOURNE, ia.—Mississippi river, 162 miles above New Or-

                                      leans, not above Bayou Sara.

—WOODVILLE, Miss. (Interior); shipping point at Bayou Sara, on

                                                 the Mississippi river.

—WOODVILLE, Ala Chattahootchie river, not above Eufaula.
—WOODCOCK, Ala. Alabama river, not above Selma.

WOODS LOWER LANDING, .!?«.—Alabama river, above Selma,

                                    not above Wetumpka.
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