Page 35 - Adam's directory of points and landings on rivers and bayous in the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, ... Loui_Neat
P. 35
—BENTON, Ala Alabaiu% river, above Selma, uot above Wetumpka.
—BERLIN, La. Red river, not abuve Alexandria.
BERWICK'S BAY, La,—80 n)il«s from New Orleans, by Morgan's
I ailroad,
BESTAIR'S LANDING, ^^o.—Toinbigbee river, not above Demop-
BETHIER'S LANDING, 4?a.— Alabama river, not above Selma.
—BETHLEHEM, Ind. Oliio river, 437 miles above its mouth, above
Paducab, not above Cincinaati.
—BETHLEHEM, I<ma. Missouri river, 652 miles above its mouth,
above latan.
—BETHEL, Ala. Alabama river, not above Selma,
BETTISE'S LANDING, ^Z«.—Tombigbee river, not above Demop-
—BEULAH, Miss. Mississippi river, 622 miles above New Orleans,
above Greenville, not above Memphis.
BEVIL PORT, Texas.—Angelma, river.
BID WELL MASTERSON.—Red river, above Grand Ecore, not above
Shreveport. '
—BICKERS, J. W. Arkansas river, above Arkansas Post, not above
Pine Blnlf.
—BIENVEST, DR. Red river, above Grand Ecore, not above Shreve-
—BIENVILLE PLAT. Red river, above Shreveport, not above foot of
BIG BAYOU LARTO.—Red river, not above Alexandria.
—BIG CREEK. 61 miles, up Boeuf river, not above Thomas' Landing,
BIG EDDY B. ND, or DILLARD'S .—Red river, above Lanespor't,
not above Mound City,
BIG BtND LANDING.—Ba>ou Des Glaises.
BIG DEER CREEK.— Yazoo river, not above Yazoo Cicy.
BIG DEER CREEK LANDING, Miss.— 110 miles from Vioksburg,
BIG JOHN TOE HEAD.—107 miles up Boeuf river, above Thomas'
—BIG SPRING. 17.5 miles up Sunflower river.
BIBB'S, DICK LANDING, J.rA; Mississippi river, above Green-
ville, not above Memphis.
—BIBB'S, J. B. LANDING, Ala. Alabama river, uot above Selma.