Page 44 - Adam's directory of points and landings on rivers and bayous in the states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, ... Loui_Neat
P. 44
BRIOOOUBT'S LANDING, Jfiss—Mississippi river, above Grand
Gulf, not above Greenville.
BRIDGEPORT, Ind.~Oh\o river, 379 miles above its mouth, above
Paduoab, not above Cincinnati.
BRIDGEPORT, IZZ.—Illinois river, 43 miles above its mouth, not
above Beardstown.
—BRIDGEPORT, Ohio. Ohio river, 911 miles above its mouth, above
—BRIDGEPORT, Mo. Missouri river, 94 miles above its mouth, not
above Jefferson City.
BRIDGEPORT, ^?a.—Alabama river, 227 miles from Mobile, not
above Selma.
BRIDGEPORT, TeM^*.—Tennessee river, above Florence.
—BRIKLEY, ArJc. Black river, above junction of White river.
—BRIGG'S LANDING, III. Illinois river, not above Beardstown.
BRINKLEY'S LANDING, ilfiss.—Mississippi river, above Green-
ville, not above mouth of the Ohio.
BROTHER'S POINT, Tew«—Mississippi river, above Greenville,
not above mouth of the Ohio.
BROWN'S, DANIKL, LANDING, ia.—Red river, above Grand
Ecore, not above Shreveport.
BROWN'S, MARY, LANDING, ia.—Red river, above Grand Ecore,
not above Shreveport.
BROWN'S, JOHN, LANDING, ia.—Red river, above Grand Ecore,
not above Shreveport.
BROWN'S LANDING, ^r/c—Arkansas river, 345 miles above Na-
poleon, above Little Rock, not above Norris-
BROOKHAVEN, Jfiss.—Jackson railroad, 129 miles from New Or-
—BROOKLYN, Ky. Ohio river, 536 miles above its mouth, above Cin-
—BROOKLYN, Minn. Mississippi ' river, 1732 miles above New Or-
leans, above Galena.
BROWNSVILLE, ilfiww.—Mississippi river, 1722 miles above New
Orleans, above Galena.
BROWN'S, SALLY, LANDING, La.—Ued river, above Grand Ecore
not above Shreveport.