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                                                        CONNECTING EVERYTHING

        The SOTI ONE Platform is an innovative, integrated management solution that maximizes the ROI of your business-
        critical mobile devices and printers. It reduces the cost, complexity and downtime of your mobile operations and delivers
        actionable insights to help you make data-driven decisions. Workers are more efficient because devices are more reliable
        and packed with the tools, data and apps needed to get the job done - fast. Manage your essential mobile devices and
        printers for total control while increasing the effectiveness of your mobile operations with the SOTI ONE Platform.

                    BREAK DOWN SILOS                   INTEGRATE EVERYTHING              MAKE SMARTER DECISIONS

         End-to-end visibility helps to     See how all aspects of your mobile   From app usage to location tracking to
         eliminate downtime and manage all   strategy connect with each other to   cellular coverage, use irrefutable data
         mobile and IoT devices in one place.  maximize device uptime.         to level up your mobile operations.

        The SOTI ONE Platform makes mobile-first business operations simple efficient and reliable.

        SOTI MobiControl makes EMM easier       SOTI XSight enables the rapid      SOTI Snap enables organizations
        than ever before. It empowers companies   resolution of app and mobile     to rapidly build mobile apps to
        to securely manage any device or        device issues. By leveraging       replace paper-based processes
        endpoint with any form factor and any   advanced diagnostics and analytics,   and digitize data collection and
        operating system (OS) throughout their   IT administrators can improve     approval processes to make them
        entire lifecycle.                       performance and reduce operating   fast and efficient.
                                                costs of business-critical mobility.

        SOTI Connect provides enterprise-grade   SOTI Identity enables simple      SOTI Pulse is an online
        management for your organization’s      and secure access to the           community that makes it easy
        mobile and industrial printers throughout   SOTI ONE Platform suite of     for customers to connect,
        their complete lifecycle, anytime and   solutions with centralized user    communicate and collaborate
        anywhere.                               authentication, single sign-on     with product experts and other
                                                (SSO) and role management.         solution providers through
                                                                                   interactive forums, product
                                                                                   support and informative articles.

        Get the right devices in the right hands of the right workers and keep them up and running at peak efficiency.
        Simplify app development and deployment while integrating with critical backend systems.

                  TO LEARN MORE:

                  Contact a SOTI sales representative: or visit:

        SOTI is a proven innovator and industry leader for simplifying business mobility and IoT solutions by making them smarter,

        faster and more reliable. SOTI helps businesses around the world take mobility to endless possibilities.
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        © 2023, SOTI Inc. All Rights Reserved. All product and company names are trademarks™ or registered® trademarks of their respective owners. The use of these trademarks does not imply any affiliation with SOTI or endorsement by the trademark holder. Offers subject to change or cancellation

        without notice. SOTI reserves the right to modify products, services, or pricing at any time. Information is provided “AS IS” without any warranty. Products and services are governed by applicable terms and conditions.
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