Page 282 - SEKTOR Product Catalog 2024
P. 282

For more information, visit                       ZEBRA PORTFOLIO GUIDE  |  2024

         Computer Accessories and Supplies                                                                                        Mobile Computer Software Solutions

         Don’t keep customers waiting. Turn your mobile computer into a do-it-all mobile solution                                 Zebra Dimensioning  ™
         that works faster. Whatever you need to simplify and speed up your day, we have. With
                                                                                                                                  Zebra Dimensioning Certified Mobile Parcel captures accurate parcel dimensions and
         enterprise-class accessories ranging from Workstation Connect cradles and hubs to                                        calculates shipping charges on Zebra mobile computers with a press of a button. And
         RFID adapters and trigger handles, you can convert your mobile devices to workstations,                                  Mobile Parcel is ideal when you need visibility into parcel dimensions to improve load
                                                                                                                                  planning and warehouse utilization.
         POS stations, RFID readers or advanced-range scanners for warehouse use.
                                                                                                                                  INDUSTRY MARKET:

                           Carrying Solutions
                           Carry the day
                                                                                                                                  Zebra Workstation Connect
                           Get a firm grip on work with belt clips, holsters, hand mounts,
                           or shoulder and hand straps that keep mobile devices handy.                                            Transform Zebra mobile computers and tablets into mobile-driven workstations and
                           Choose from a wide range of sizes for maximum comfort.                                                 POS stations on demand. The same Zebra mobile device workers use to complete
                           They’re made to perform in your rugged environments.                                                   many tasks throughout the day can also power a fully featured workstation or POS,
                                                                                                                                  driving costs and energy usage down—and the value of Zebra mobile devices up.

                           Power Supplies                                                                                         INDUSTRY MARKET:
                           Charge ahead
                           Ensure all-day power, every day. Keep going with 24/7
                           Extension Back PowerPacks, warm and hot swap internal                                                            ™
                           batteries, charging cradles, and cables.                                                               Zebra Pay
                                                                                                                                  Zebra Pay is the industry’s first integrated enterprise-class SPoC-based mobile
                                                                                    Zebra Intelligent Cabinet                     payment solution, enabling enterprises to accept all major card brands, anywhere,
                           Docks, Cradles and Mounts                                Portfolio*                                    on compatible Zebra mobile devices. This EMV L3-certified cloud-based solution
                           When productivity is the destination                     Enterprise mobile device storage              supports tap-to-pay, chip and magstripe, complete with PIN entry on Zebra mobile
                                                                                    and management                                computers and tablets.
                           Mount a plan of action with our lineup of docking and mounting
                           solutions to fit any application—from POS and desktop solutions   Optimize how your enterprise          INDUSTRY MARKET:
                           like our Workstation Connect Cradle to forklifts and patrol vehicles.   mobile devices are stored,
                                                                                    accessed, tracked and managed to
                           Select from a variety of Zebra and third-party office, industrial and
                                                                                    harness the most efficient use of
                           vehicle solutions, adapters, plates, braces and brackets.
                                                                                    devices and workers. Ensure your
                                                                                    assets and workflows function in               Zebra Access Management System (ZAMS)
                                                                                    tandem at high performance and
                           PowerPrecision Batteries                                 optimal security to accelerate your           See the real-time status of your devices—how many are in service, charging
                           Built for durability and performance                     business.                                     or missing. ZAMS turns Zebra Intelligent Cabinets into powerful automated
                                                                                                                                  device administrators that can track which worker is using which device—and
                           The last thing you want is to run out of power in the middle of   •Consolidate and connect to          ensure devices are always stored securely and fully charged before being placed
                           work. PowerPrecision batteries give you nonstop performance,   maximize performance                    into service on a shift.
                           because they’re made to meet rigorous standards. Add to
                                                                                    •Protect devices with authorized-             •Improve device utilization
                           that PowerPrecision Management, and you have insight into   only security
                           your batteries’ health and status. So you can start your day                                           •Increase worker accountability
                           fully charged.                                           •Completely automate workflows                 •Increase worker productivity
                                                                                     with Zebra Access Management
                                                                                     System (ZAMS)                                •Practically eliminate time spent managing devices and device access
                                                                                    •Five sizes to accommodate
                           And Then Some
                                                                                     between 20 and 100 devices
                           Expand choices; expand capabilities                      •RF-friendly design and
                           With this much versatility, there are accessories for every   materials—devices won’t lose
                                                                                                                                             Scan the
                           application. Ask us about our styluses, antennas, headsets,   Wi-Fi or cellular connection in                     QR code to
                           speakers, mobile payment options, screen protectors and more.  the cabinet                                        learn more.

                                                                                                                                  *Not available in all regions.
                 Field Service & Utilities  Healthcare  Hospitality  Manufacturing  Retail  Transportation & Logistics                Warehousing

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