Page 7 - Ventura Foods Wellness Champion Toolkit
P. 7

Your Toolkit Platform
Go Ahead, Kick the Tires!
Take some time to familiarize yourself the digital features of this toolkit by clicking the icons that you see on your screen, turning the pages, and clicking on hyperlinks.
The features of the digital toolkit are easy to use and the icons perform standard/universal functions. Let's identify some key areas.
Web browser menu
Web browser address bar
Toolkit (TK) platform - Area of your web browser screen that contains TK functions & TK pages
Toolkit menu bar - Icons that appear directly above TK pages
Toolkit navigation arrows - Arrows that appear
on the right & left outer edges of the TK platform. Use them to move forward & backward through your TK pages
Toolkit guide – The pages of your TK
Sound buttons - Turn the TK sound off and on.
Toolkit thumbnail - Displays all of the TK pages as 1"x 1" icons in grid formation. Click on a page icon to go directly to that page
Your Toolkit Is Responsive —
The TK platform will adjust to the device you are using. The menu items will relocate but the functionality remains the same.

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