Page 8 - Ventura Foods Wellness Champion Toolkit
P. 8

A Deeper Dive Into Your Toolkit
Your Toolkit Platform Menu
Most of the menu icons are universal symbols that perform electronic / digital functions that you've used. A few icon are speci c to your toolkit and we'll provide a brief description of each.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
1. Home - There's no place like it. Click this icon to return to the landing page.
2. Zoom - Magnify page items. Click once to zoom in, click again to zoom out. You can use touch-screen gestures on mobile devices to perform this function.
3. First - Performs the same function as the home icon — return to landing page.
4. Previous - Turn one page back.
5. Go To Page - Key in page number then press
enter/return on your keyboard.
6. Next Page - Advance to the next page.
7. Last - Jump immediately to the back cover.

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