Page 17 - Ventura Foods | Leave Of Absence | Employee Procedures
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 Transitioning Back to Work
Throughout the entire process, your Standard Insurance Integrated Claims Examiner will work with you, your provider, and Ventura Foods to determine a return to work plan specific to your needs and abilities.
The Standard Insurance Company will contact you two weeks prior to your expected return to work date to verify your intent on returning. The Standard Insurance Company will then notify
Local HR. If the circumstances of your leave have changed, contact the Standard Insurance Company and Local HR as soon as you are able.
If you have a disability or impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities and want to consider a work accommodation or require additional time - contact The Standard. A case manager may be assigned to assist you.
  Stay Connected With Your Leaves Team
We encourage you to stay in contact with Local HR and The Standard Insurance Company at 800-232-3146 when you have questions or concerns about the program or your case. The Standard Insurance Company Claims Service Center is available from 5am - 5pm (PST), Monday through Friday.
 Ventura Foods | Team Members Leave of Absence Guide 17

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