Page 2 - Ventura Foods | Leave Of Absence | Employee Procedures
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   How To Use
This Brochure
To provide a better and more consistent experience for our employees, Ventura Foods has partnered with The Standard Insurance Company to help manage our Leave of Absence (LOA) and bridge pay programs.
This document is an easy-to-use tool designed to help employees navigate the LOA process. You can easily explore the pages by clicking on the interactive links below ‘What’s Inside’.
What’s Inside
Communication is Key What is a Leave of Absence?
What are Intermittent & Reduced Leave Schedule?
When to Report a Leave of Absence
Steps to Request a Leave of Absence Contacting The Standard
The Leave of Absence Process
Things To Gather Before You Request A LOA
Common LOA Scenarios
LOA Checklist
LOA Extension
Income During Disability
Continuing Your Benefits While on Leave Return To Work Checklist
Transitioning Back to Work Frequently Asked Questions

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