Page 11 - NAHEFFA Winter 2023 Newsletter.indd
P. 11


                                                                  NAHFFA Washington DC Advocacy

         Committees, continued                                    Update (continued from page 7)

           Communications and Membership Committee

         Bonnie Payette - NH, Chair                               this effort with Chuck Samuels but we may
         Alex Burlingame - OH                                     be looking for expert help. More imminent is
         Tanya Coppersmith - WI                                   a pend-ing SEC proposed regulation on as-
         Seth Lutter - MT                                         set based securitizations. More on that in a
         Simmee Silton - MA                                       separate email but we are hoping SEC will
                                                                  exclude us from the bans in that rule if we

         Michael Stanard - MO                                     can argue our transactions don’t include
         Jeanette Weldon - CT                                     that mechanism.
         Virginia Yeagle - FL
                                                                  Our NAHEFFA president, Barry Fick, repre-
                                                                  sented us at the annual GFOA Washington
         Finance Committee
                                                                  meeting, where he is on the Debt Commit-
         Don Templeton - SD, Chair
                                                                  tee, where he hobnobbed with key repre-
         Vince Loretta - MO
                                                                  sentatives of the public finance community
         Scott O’Malley - RI
                                                                  and regulators to ensure that our conduit fi-
         Jim Parks - LA
                                                                  nancing is recognized in the development of
         B.J. Swanson - ID
                                                                  policies and positions.

         Education and Programming Committee
                                                                  The upcoming spring conference, to be held
         •Conference Committee
                                                                  in Washington in April, provides an excellent
         Kim Mooers - RI, Chair
                                                                  and timely opportunity for NAHEFFA mem-
         Rebecca Floyd - KA
                                                                  ber authorities to engage with your con-
         Tatiana Graver - WI
                                                                  gressional delegations on the issues named
         Eric Gutshall - PA
                                                                  above, in addition to growing visibility for the
           Mark Heller - CO
                                                                  work of your authority with your Represen-
         Corinne Johnson - CO
                                                                  tatives and Senators and their relevant staff .
         Martin Walke - LA                                        The conference will start with an opening
                                                                  reception the evening of April 16, with many
         •Sponsorship Committee                                   outstanding speakers and panels planned
         Jeanne Phillips - ID, Chair                              for April 17-18.
         Mark Heller - CO
         Danielle Johns - ID                                      If you are able to remain in Washington for
         Seth Lutter - MT                                         another day focused on Capitol Hill meetings
           Frank Troy - NJ                                        on April 19, please reach out to Neal Martin
                                                                  at and he will
         Governance Committee                                     be happy to help you arrange meetings with
         Alex Burlingame - OH                                     your congressional off ices.
         Carol Johnson - WA
           Donna Murr - WA                                                              ~0~
           Michael Stanard - MO
        National Association of Heath and Educational Facilities Finance Authorities
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