Page 141 - B.INGG_SISWA
P. 141
Collecting Information
We will work in groups. We will complete the following
sentences according to the above statements.
Here are what we will do. First, we will study the
example carefully. Second, we will discuss to find
the right words to fill in each blank space. Third,
every one of us will handwrite the complete
statements on a piece of paper. Finally, we will
say, not read, the sentences to each other.
We will use a dictionary. We will spell the words and
use the punctuation marks correctly. We will also say
the sentences loudly, clearly, and correctly. If we have
any problems, we will go to our teacher for help.
1. Max is saying that his teacher has more books than him, and he has
fewer books than his teacher.
2. Yuni is saying that usually there are__________________ in the library
in the morning, and there are ___________________ in the afternoon.
3. Zulfikar is saying that his father________________________ his uncle,
and his uncle ______________________________________ his father.
4. According to Ani, her bag___________________________Andri’s bag.
5. According to Agus, there is____________________________in bread,
and _________________________in banana cake.