Page 161 - B.INGG_SISWA
P. 161

Collecting Information

                                          We will work in groups. We will handwrite
                                          Dayu’s statements about her in the past.

                      Here are what we will do. First, we will study
                      the statements in the example carefully.
                      Second, we will copy the example to our
                      notebook. Then, in groups we will handwrite
                      Dayu’s other statements from her other entries
                      about her in the past in our notebook.

                     We will use a dictionary. We will spell the words and use the
                     punctuation marks correctly. We will also  say each word
                     loudly, clearly, and correctly. If we have any problems, we will
                     go to our teacher for help.

                       DAYU WHEN SHE WAS A BABY

                         1.  She could not do anything.
                         2.  Her parents and her elder brother took care of her.
                         3.  She didn’t sleep with her mum.
                         4.  She slept in a baby cot in her parents’ bedroom.
                         5.  Her brother slept in his own bedroom.
                         6.  Her mum breastfed her for two years.
                         7.  When she cried, her parents and her brother calmed her down.
                         8.  When she was afraid of something, they comforted her.
                         9.  Her dad often carried her around in the morning sun.
                         10. When she got older, they spoonfed her.
                         11. She played with her brother.
                         12. She was naughty, but her brother was very patient with her.

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