Page 207 - B.INGG_SISWA
P. 207

Observing & Asking Questions

                   To do in the morning:                 To do in the afternoon:
                   1. Sweep the floor twice a day, in the   1. _____________________________
                     morning before you go to school and
                     in the afternoon.                     _____________________________
                   2. ______________________________     2. _____________________________
                     ______________________________        _____________________________
                   3. ______________________________     3. _____________________________
                     ______________________________        _____________________________

                   To do in the evening/at night:        To do any time of the day:
                   1. _____________________________      1. _____________________________
                     _____________________________         _____________________________
                   2. _____________________________      2. _____________________________
                     _____________________________         _____________________________

                   3. _____________________________      3. _____________________________
                     _____________________________         _____________________________

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