Page 56 - B.INGG_SISWA
P. 56

Observing & Asking Questions

                                 Hello, Beni. This Edo.
                                    How are you?

                                                                       I’m fine.
                        Beni, are you coming to Lina’s
                              birthday party?
                                                                 Yes. You are coming too,
                                                                       aren’t you?

                                  Of course. Let’s walk
                                 together to her house.

                                                              Ok.  Don’t forget to wear a
                                                             T-shirt. We will play outdoor

                         Really? Okay, I will wear my               games there.
                          purple T-shirt. So, we’ll just
                          walk to Lina’s party, right?
                         Wait for me near the bridge.           Okay. We’ll meet at 9 there.
                                                                 Be there on time. Don’t let
                                                                     me wait too long.

                          Yes. Don’t forget to have your
                             breakfast before you go.         Certainly. See you then.

                                                Bahasa Inggris / When English Rings a Bell  49
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