P. 32

5            MANAGING RISK OF BUSINESS                                                                                   5           CONCLUSION

                       MANAGEMENT: GG PORT

                       (MALAYSIA) BHD


                The article suggests several areas that            recommended area for future research.

              could    be    recommended         for   future      Understanding       how      technology      can

              research, which conducting comparative               enhance or transform risk management

              analyses      to     compare        the      risk    processes and mitigate risks associated

              management practices of GG (Malaysia)                with business records is crucial. This

              Bhd. With similar organizations or industry          research    area     explores    the   role    of

              benchmarks would be beneficial. This                 technology in improving the efficiency

              would allow for the evaluation of GG’s               and effectiveness of risk management.

              practices, the identification of areas for             By conducting research in these areas,

              improvement and the establishment of                 future studies can contribute to the field

              industry best practices.                             of   risk    management         by    providing               To conclude, the article underscores the significance of effectively managing the risk

                Besides, expanding the research beyond             practical insights and recommendations.                       associated with business records in order to safeguard assets and attain business objectives.

              Malaysia     and    including     international      Organizations can         benefit    from this                It stresses the importance of raising awareness, implementing improvised policies and

              comparisons would provide a broader                  research     by     enhancing       their    risk             procedures and ensuring suitable facilities. The article suggests establishing a specialized

              perspective      on     risk     management          management practices and adapting to                          records management unit, developing appropriate policies and procedures, planning

              practices. By comparing practices across             the changing landscape of technology and                      efficient storage facilities and enhancing records management security. Organizations

              different countries and cultures, valuable           international perspectives.                                   should learn from previous incidents and adopt measures to safeguard and preserve their

              insights can be gained and knowledge                                                                               records and assets.

              sharing and collaboration on effective risk

              management strategies can be promoted.

                Then,    investigating     the   impact     of

              technological     advancements,       such    as

              digitalization and automation, on risk

              management          practices     is   another

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