Page 16 - 2020 RRP TB Makeover rulebook
P. 16

the horse featured at least twice on the LED board in the Covered
• $100 Premium Listings receive all of the features of a Standard
listing as well as a prominent half page catalog ad with larger photo AND the LED board ad.
Horse Listing
Trainers will indicate on the Horse Registration Form if they anticipate that their horse will be for sale. Trainers will confirm if their horse is for sale on the Final Entry Form, at which point they will be billed for their choice of listing and complete the necessary fields for their ad. Trainers are required to submit information which is essential for the print catalog with their Final Entry form which is due August 15th. Late changes for print catalog information are not accepted. Online ads may be continuously updated in the weeks leading up to the event, if desired.
Pricing and Contracts
Trainers may price their horses at whatever amount they and their owners feel is fair and may raise or lower their asking price at any time. Sellers are responsible for screening potential buyers and are under no obligation to sell to buyers that they deem unsuitable for their horse. Non-profit aftercare organizations are welcome to list their horses as adoptable and require whatever approval processes, fees, and restrictions they normally require. Sellers are expected to provide their own sale contracts but should include anti-slaughter and notification of resale language found in the Horse Welfare section of this rulebook.
The RRP will promote the Thoroughbred Makeover Marketplace as a source for horse shoppers through advertisements and online networks serving the various riding disciplines featured in the Thoroughbred Makeover. Links to the Thoroughbred Makeover Marketplace Listings will be shared extensively through social media and e-blasts.
Buyers tend to pursue horses for which medical history and radiographs are available, even when those records identify blemishes. The RRP strongly encourages Thoroughbred Makeover Trainers to make veterinary reports and radiographs available from any pre-purchase exams that are done when they acquire their Thoroughbred Makeover horse, as well as any veterinary records from before or since they acquired the horse. You
Soundness Issues and Pre-Purchase Exams
© Retired Racehorse Project

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