Page 31 - PIAA District III 2021 Boys Soccer Championship Program
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Championship Game Results (Last 50 Years)
Class 4A Class 2A Class 1A
2020: Cumberland Valley forfeit Manheim Twp 2020: Oley Valley 2, Boiling Springs 1 2020: Tulpehocken 4, Camp Hill 0
2019: Central Dauhin 1, Wilson 0 2019: Fleetwood 3, Lanc. Mennonite 2 (OT1) 2019: Halifax 2, York Catholic 1
2018: Cumberland Valley 2, Wilson 0 2018: Lanc Mennonite 1*, Fleetwood 0 (4-3 PK) 2018: Camp Hill 2, York Catholic 0
2017: Hempfield 2, Cumberland Valley 0 2017: Lancaster Mennonite 3, Oley Valley 0 2017: Camp Hill 3, Greenwood 0
2016: Hempfield 1, Elizabethtown 0 2016: Tulpehocken 5, Biglerville 0 2016: Camp Hill 2, Kutztown 0
2015: Lancaster Mennonite 2, Gettysburg 1 2015: Tulpehocken 1, Camp Hill 0
2014: Fleetwood 2, Gettysburg 1 2014: Kutztown 1, Tulpehocken 0 (OT1)
Class 3A 2013: Pequea Valley 2, Oley Valley 0 2013: Biglerville 4, Lancaster Country Day 1
2020: Northern York 2, Fleetwood 0 2012: Tulpehocken 1, Lancaster Mennonite 0 2012: Greenwood 3, Biglerville 1
2019: Lower Dauphin 3, Northern York 0 2011: Lancaster Mennonite 1, Palmyra 0 2011: York Catholic 2, Greenwood 0
2018: Hershey 2, Lower Dauphin 1 2010: Lanc Mennonite 2, East Pennsboro 0 2010: Holy Name 2, York Catholic 1
2017: Lower Dauphin 3, Manheim Cent. 0 2009: Fleetwood 3, Tulpehocken 2 2009: Biglerville 1, York Catholic 0
2016: Lower Dauphin 3, Gettysburg 0 2008: Palmyra 3, Fleetwood 2 (OT1) 2008: Camp Hill 2, Biglerville 1 (OT1)
2015: Lower Dauphin 1*, Cent York 1 (4-2 PK) 2007: Hershey 3, Palmyra 2 2007: Camp Hill 1, Antietam 0
2014: Reading 2, Lower Dauphin 1 2006: Manheim Central 2, Hershey 1 (OT1) 2006: Pequea Valley 1, Trinity 0
2013: Conestoga Val 3, Cumberland Val 1 2005: Pequea Valley 2, Mechanicsburg 1 2005: Trinity 3, Wyomissing 1
2012: Hempfield 1, Cumberland Valley 0 (OT) 2004: Hershey 3, ELCO 1 2004: Antietam 4, Camp Hill 2
2011: Central Dauphin 1*, Hempfield 0 (4-2 PK) 2003: ELCO 4, Conrad Weiser 1 2003: Antietam 6, Biglerville 0
2010: Dallastown 2, Central Dauphin 0 (OT2) 2002: ELCO 2, Twin Valley 0 2002: East Juniata 1, Antietam 0
2009: Central Dauphin 2, Red Land 1 2001: Middletown 3, ELCO 1 2001: Tulpehocken 2, Camp Hill 0
2008: Exeter Twp. 2, Manheim Twp. 1 (OT1) 2000: Manheim Central 2, Fleetwood 1 2000: Tulpehocken 2, Kutztown 0
2007: Manheim Twp. 2, Red Land 1 (OT1) 1999: ELCO 1, Wyomissing 1 (co-champs)
2006: Manheim Twp. 4, Wilson 1 1998: ELCO 3, Tulpehocken 1
2005: Warwick 3, Manheim Twp 3 (co-champs) 1997: Tulpehocken 3, Fleetwood 0 Championship Game
2004: Manheim Twp. 1, Warwick 0 1996: Wyomissing 1, Lanc Menn 1 (co-champs) Appearances
2003: Cumberland Valley 1, Central Dauphin 0 1995: Conrad Weiser 5, Oley Valley 0
2002: Cumberland Valley 2, Wilson 0 1994: Wyomissing 3, Conrad Weiser 2 (OT1) 23: Fleetwood (13-10)
2001: Cent. Dauphin 1, Cumb. Valley 0 (OT1) 1993: Oley Valley 2, Fleetwood 1 15: Tulpehocken (10-5)
2000: Cumb. Valley 1, Cent. Dauphin 0 (OT1) 1992: Fleetwood 2, Lancaster Mennonite 1 14: Cumberland Valley (9-5)
13: ELCO (7-5-1), Lancaster Mennonite (8-4-1)
1999: Hempfield 1, Central Dauphin 0 1991: Wyomissing 1, ELCO 0 9: Camp Hill (5-4), Central Dauphin (4-5),
1998: Wilson 2, Manheim Twp. 1 1990: ELCO 2, Wyomissing 1 (OT2) Pequea Valley (9-0), Wilson (3-6)
1997: Cumberland Valley 1, Lower Dauphin 0 1989: Tulpehocken 2, Lanc. Mennonite 1 (OT2) 8: Manheim Twp (4-3-1)
1996: Dallastown 3, Boyertown 0 1988: Fleetwood 2, Oley Valley 1 7: Hempfield (5-2), Lower Dauphin (4-3),
1995: Lancaster Mennonite 2, Dallastown 0 1987: Lancaster Mennonite 3, Wyomissing 2 Wyomissing (2-3-2)
1994: JP McCaskey 3, Cumberland Valley 0 1986: Lancaster Mennonite 2, Northeastern 1 6: Biglerville (2-4), Garden Spot (5-1),
Northeastern (1-5), Oley Valley (2-4)
1993: Cumberland Valley 2, Wilson 0 1985: Tulpehocken 6, Northeastern 0 5: Carlisle (2-3), Conrad Weiser (2-3),Dover
1992: Cumberland Valley 3, Wilson 1 Lower Dauphin’s Tim Townsend (1-4), Jonestown (2-3), JP McCaskey (2-3),
1991: Wilson 2, Hempfield 1 (OT1) (#2) starred on the 2014- York Catholic (1-4)
1990: Cumberland Valley 1, Wilson 0 16 teams that ignited 4: Antietam (2-2), Dallastown (2-2),
1989: Carlisle 2, Mechanicsburg 0 the Falcons’ 6-year run Hershey (3-1)
1988: Wilson 2, Red Land 0 of District championship 3: Gettysburg (0-3), Greenwood (1-2), James
Buchanan (1-2), Kutztown (1-2), Manheim
1987: Fleetwood 2, J.P. McCaskey 0 appearances. Central (2-1), Mechanicsburg (0-3),
1986: Manheim Twp. 3, Mechanicsburg 0 Northern Lebanon (2-1), Palmyra (1-2),
1985: Carlisle 1, Fleetwood 0 Red Land (0-3)
1984: Conrad Weiser 3, Garden Spot 2 2: Brandywine Heights (0-2), East Juniata (1-1),
1983: Fleetwood 5, Central Dauphin 3 Fredericksburg (2-0), New Holland (0-2),
Thompsontown (2-0), Trinity (1-1), Twin
1982: Fleetwood 3, Carlisle 0 Valley (1-1), Warwick (0-1-1)
1981: Fleetwood 4, Carlisle 1 1: Bethel (0-1), Boiling Springs (0-1),
1980: Fleetwood 3, Carlisle 1 Boyertown (0-1), Central York (0-1),
1979: Fleetwood 2, ELCO 1 Conestoga Valley (1-0), Daniel Boone (0-1),
1978: Fleetwood 4, Brandywine Heights 0 East Pennsboro (0-1), Elizabethtown (0-1),
1977: ELCO 3, Fleetwood 1 Exeter Township (1-0), Greencastle-
Antrim (0-1), Halifax (1-0), Hamburg (0-1),
1976: Fleetwood 3, J.P. McCaskey 0 Holy Name (1-0), Lancaster Country Day
1975: Hempfield 2, Northeastern 1 (0-1), Lemasters (1-0), Manor Joint (0-1),
1974: Tulpehocken 4, Brandywine Heights 0 Middletown (1-0), Mount Joy (0-1),
1973: Twin Valley 3, Northeastern 0 Myerstown (1-0), North York (0-1),
1972: Garden Spot 1, Northeastern 0 (OT1) Northern York (0-1), Reading (1-0),
1971: JP McCaskey 3, Fleetwood 2 (OT1) Waynesboro (1-0)
1970: Garden Spot 1, Fleetwood 0 James Robinson /
2 0 2 1 D I S T R I C T I I I O F F I C I A L P R O G R A M