Page 24 - PIAA District III 2021 Girls Soccer Championship Program
P. 24

Tulpehocken                                                Wyomissing



         No  Name           Gr       No  Name            Gr       No  Name            Gr       No  Name           Gr
           0  Rainna Kulp    9       19  Keira Henne    10          0  Estelle Benedict   9    16  Jabrea Flowers   12
           1  ELLA AHNER    12       20  SYDNEY ZELLERS   12        1  Renie Harris   10       17  Molly Kuhn     12
           2  Sophia Joy     9       21  Taylor Evans   11          2  Brooke Schaeffer   12   18  Cadi Hoke      11
           3  Tuesday Hopwood   10   22  Katelyn Hussman   9        3  Sophie Lentz   10       20  Charlotte Lazarchick-Oberti  12
           4  Alayna Brungart   11   23  Tiffany Gutierrez   9
           5  Hannah Plempel   9     24  Chloe Shirey    9          4  Sullivan Wengrowski  10   21  Annie McCaffrey   10
           6  Celissa Kitchenoff   9   25  Avery Baransky   9       5  Isabel Marshall   12    22  Hannah Shimp   10
           7  Logan Swope   10       25  Kendra Wolfe    9          6  Vanesa Aguay   10       23  Audrey Hurleman   9
         10  Sophia Zellers    9     26  Hannah Winchester   9      7  Molly Sillhart   10     24  Liliana Marshall   9
         11  ALYSSA BOYER   12       27  Chloe Heckman   10         8  Madeline Combs   10     25  Kaya Laubach   10
         13  KENNEDY ZWEIZIG   12    28  Hannah Wilson   9          9  Aryam Boumrah   9       26  Abigail Noey    9
         14  Kassidy Batz   10       30  Faith Forry    11        10  Alexis Hardy     9       27  Annika Sockel   10
         15  AUTUMN LAWRENCE 12      31  Kyla Lytle      9        12  Mackey Lentz    10       28  Kathryn Scantzos   9
         16  Kallia Brendle   10     33  MIA FOLK       12        13  Emma Care       12       31  Ava Mauro       9
         17  MACKENZIE SOWERS  12    34  Jasmin Calderon   10
         18  Devon Stothart   10     50  ABBY BECKER    12        14  Samantha Donahue  12     32  Sophia Zeppos   9
                                                                  15  Hannah Hurleman   12     33  Taryn Yourkavitch   10
        Head Coach:  Paul Zerbe                                   Head Coach:  Rachel Hoffman
        Assistant Coaches:  Kyle Zellers, Brad Folk               Assistant Coaches:  Aleko Zeppos, Amanda Bezner

        50 Years of Girls Championships

        District 3 sponsored its first girls championships during the 1972-73 school year, making this the 50th year of champion-
        ships for girls sports.  Field hockey, tennis, basketball and swimming championships were conducted that first year.
        With the addition of competitive spirit in 2010-11, District 3 currently offers championships in 13 girls sports.

                                                 Years of       Total Championships
          Sport                First-year      Competition            Offered      Most championships
          Field Hockey         1972-73             50th                 94         Lower Dauphin - 14
          Tennis               1972-73             50th                 73         Wyomissing - 20*
          Basketball           1972-73             50th                174         Lebanon Catholic - 20
            Swimming & Diving   1972-73            50th                 76         Wilson - 22
          Golf                 1974-75             48th                 56         Wilson - 6 individual champions
          Softball             1974-75             47th                128         Chambersburg - 13
          Volleyball           1974-75             48th                114         Delone Catholic & Hempfield - 13
          Cross County         1975-76             47th                 99         Chambersburg - 12
          Track & Field        1978-79             43rd                 86         Milton Hershey - 106*
          Soccer               1989-90             33rd                 63         Cumberland Valley - 16
          Lacrosse             2008-09             12th                 14         Manheim Township - 9
          Bowling              2009-10             13th                 12         Elizabethtown - 3*
          Competitve Spirit    2010-11             12th                 43         Cumberland Valley -11

          * individual champions

                             2 0 2 1   D I S T R I C T   I I I   O F F I C I A L   P R O G R A M
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