Page 7 - PIAA District III 2021 Girls Soccer Championship Program
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The PIAA realigns classifications every two years. Classifications for the 2020-21 and 2021-22 school years are based on
school enrollments of students in grades 9-11 during the 2019-20 school year. Schools must count their students in the
school, plus 10% of any students in cyber/charter schools who live in a public school district.
Below are enrollment figures and classification parameters for girls soccer:
Class A Class AA Class AAA Class AAAA
(163 female students or fewer) (164-264 female students) (265-443 female students) (444 female students or more)
Brandywine Heights ............. 159 Annville-Cleona .................... 167 Berks Catholic ........................ 302 Carlisle .................................. 589
Christian School Of York .......... 30 Bermudian Springs ................ 228 Big Spring .............................. 285 Cedar Cliff ............................. 474
(co-op w/ Logos Academy) Biglerville .............................. 181 Cocalico ................................ 372 Cedar Crest ........................... 527
Conrad Weiser ...................... 301 Central Dauphin East ............ 553
Covenant Christian Acad ... 23/35 Bishop McDevitt ................... 247
Daniel Boone ........................ 397 Central Dauphin .................... 677
(co-op w/ Harrisburg Academy) Boiling Springs ...................... 227 Central York .......................... 738
Donegal ................................ 361
Delone Catholic ..................... 142 Camp Hill .............................. 168 Chambersburg ..................... 820
Dover ................................... 369
Fairfield ................................. 120 Eastern York ......................... 254 Conestoga Valley .................. 486
East Pennsboro .................... 295
Halifax ..................................... 93 Hamburg ............................... 242 Cumberland Valley ............. 1091
Eastern Lebanon County ...... 299 Dallastown ........................... 760
Harrisburg Christian ................ 25 Hanover ................................ 205
Fleetwood ............................ 331 Elizabethtown ...................... 471
High Point Baptist .................... 26 James Buchanan ................... 250
Garden Spot .......................... 372 Ephrata ................................ 508
Lancaster County Christian ...... 24 Kennard Dale ........................ 254 Gettysburg ........................... 369 Exeter Township ............ 469/120
Lancaster Country Day .......... 101 Kutztown Area ...................... 180 Greencastle Antrim .............. 360 (co-op with Antietam)
Mount Calvary Christian .......... 32 Lancaster Catholic ................ 199 Lampeter Strasburg .............. 356 Governor Mifflin ................... 561
Hempfield ............................. 812
New Covenant Christian .......... 35 (co-op w/ Janus School) Manheim Central .................. 366
Hershey ................................ 469
Upper Dauphin ...................... 145 Lancaster Mennonite ........... 146 Mechanicsburg Senior ......... 443
J P McCaskey ...................... 1014
West Shore Christian ............... 35 Littlestown ............................ 226 Milton Hershey ...................... 389 Lebanon ................................ 529
York Catholic ......................... 159 Middletown .......................... 240 Northern York ....................... 431 Lower Dauphin ..................... 449
Millersburg ............................. 92 Octorara .............................. 272 Manheim Township .............. 672
(co-op w/ Upper Dauphin) Palmyra ................................ 430 Muhlenberg .......................... 473
Red Land ............................... 416 New Oxford .......................... 458
Northern Lebanon ................ 257 Northeastern ........................ 452
Shippensburg ....................... 397
Oley Valley ............................ 200 Penn Manor .......................... 606
Solanco ................................. 406
Pequea Valley .................. 171/36 Red Lion ............................... 542
South Western ...................... 443
(co-op w/ Linville Hill Christian) Warwick.......................... 487/30
Spring Grove ........................ 409 (co-op with Veritas Academy)
Schuylkill Valley .................... 237
Susquehanna Township ........ 281 Waynesboro ........................ 445
Susquenita .................... 166/139
Susquehannock .................... 366 William Penn ........................ 594
(co-op with Newport) Twin Valley ........................... 420 Wilson ................................... 777
Trinity .................................... 180 West Perry ............................ 303 York Country Day School . 605/31
Tulpehocken ......................... 175 West York ............................ 322 (co-op with York Tech)
Wyomissing .......................... 227 York Suburban ...................... 375
Tracking the Growth of the District III Girls
For the first 13 years District III 4A
held a championship tournament,
all schools played in the same
classification. A second bracket 3A
was added in 2003. In 2012, the
championship moved from spring 2A
to fall, and with it came a third
classification. The current four 1A
class system has been in place
since 2016. 2012- 2016-
1990—2002 2003-2011 2015 2021
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