Page 12 - programme book
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15:00 – 15:20 AA-005 AM-003 ST-009 ST-017
Asmaa Zafirah Kamaluzaman Intan Diyana Binti Munir Razik Ridzuan Mohd Yashotha Satianesan
Self-Invertible Encryption Key on Analysis on the Solute Tajuddin Assessment of Various Rainfall
Cipher Trigraphic Polyfunction Dispersion in Blood Flow A New One-Parameter Bias Correction Techniques in
Through an Inclined Artery with Underdispersed Size-Biased Peninsular Malaysia
the Presence of Chemical Poisson Distribution for Count
Reaction Data
15:20 – 15:40 AA-006 AM-004 ST-011 ST-020
Arif Mandangan Sharifah Fairuz Syed Oh Yit Leng Khuneswari Gopal Pillay
On the Properties of the Almost Mohamad New Extended Burr Type X Survey on Factors Influencing
Unimodular Matrix Evaluation of the Degree of Distribution: Model, Theory the Unemployment Among
Public Risk of Developing and Applications UTHM Graduates
Diabetes Type 2 in Relation to
Takaful Policy
15:40 – 16:00 AA-007 AM-005 ST-022 ST-021
Athirah Nawawi Shar Nizam Sharif Qian Yun Ng Khuneswari Gopal Pillay
Relation Between Randic and Robustness of Extended Mortality Modelling Using Performance Analysis for
Harmonic Energies of Commuting Benford’s Law Distribution and Stochastic Mortality Models: A Passenger Satisfaction of
Graph for Dihedral Groups Its Properties Study on Malaysia’s Ethnic Kuala Lumpur International
Groups Airport
16:00 – 16:20 AA-008 AM-006 ME-002 ST-014
Mohd Pawiro Santono Nor Farah Wahidah Nor Nur Zahira Mohamed Zahir Norhaslinda Ali
Bounded-Addition Fuzzy Semi- Khalid The Development of a At-Site and Regional
Simple Splicing Systems Adaptive Therapy in Two-phase Hypothesis Testing Learning Frequency Analysis of Extreme
Model of Tumor Module Through 5E’s Model Rainfall Modelling in
for Technical and Vocational Peninsular Malaysia
Education Students