Page 59 - programme book
P. 59

                  Metric Foliated Cocycles Adapted to Isotropic Systems of Second Order
                                         Ordinary Differential Equations

                                                  Fatemeh Ahangari  1,a)

                                   1 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences,
                                      Alzahra University, Tehran, P.O.Box 1993893973, Iran.

                                         a)  Corresponding author:

               Abstract. As it is well known, the inverse problem of Lagrangian mechanics is structurally based on the
               fact that whether or not a given system of second order ordinary differential equations (SODEs) can
               be characterized as the Euler-Lagrange equations of some Lagrangian. In particular, the essential
               condition for a system of homogeneous SODEs to be metrizable via a Finsler function of scalar flag
               curvature is that the given system of SODEs must be isotropic. In addition, projectively flat Finsler
               functions possess isotropic geodesic sprays and accordingly have constant or scalar flag curvature. In
               this  paper,  a  comprehensive  investigation of metric  foliated cocycles  which are  geometrically
               compatible with a given system of isotropic SODEs is presented. For this purpose, the constant flag
               curvature (CFC) test, as well as the scalar flag curvature (SFC) test, presented by I. Bucataru and Z.
               Muzsnay are applied in order to induce a metric structure which leads to construction of a foliated
               cocycle equipped with a  bundle-like metric  on the tangent  bundle.  Consequently, by  exhaustive
               analysis of the main circumstances under which the projective deformations of a flat isotropic spray
               are metrizable, we create a class of transverse foliated cocycles on the tangent space which are totally
               adapted to the given system of isotropic SODEs.

               Keywords: Isotropic Sprays, Bundle-like Metric, Flag Curvature, Foliated Cocycle, Metrizability.

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