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                 Uncertain Negative Data in DEA: An Application of Banking in Malaysia

                              Rokhsaneh Yousef Zehi  and Noor Saifurina Nana Khurizan
                         1 School of Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800, Penang, Malaysia

                                     a)  Corresponding author:

               Abstract. DEA models and their applicability is heavily depended on the type of data that has been
               used for efficiency assessment. Conventional DEA models assume the all the involved data in the
               efficiency evaluation are non-negative which in many cases seems unrealistic specially when the profit
               or the rate of growth are involved in the evaluation of organizations. Moreover, the perturbation in
               data is unavoidable in real-world applications and negative data also might be affected by error. In this
               paper, we propose a robust DEA model to handle uncertain negative data that guarantees the robustness
               of solution against the uncertainty in data. The proposed robust DEA model is constructed under a
               box-ellipsoidal uncertainty set and an application of banking in Malaysia is presented to validate the
               applicability of proposed model and evaluate the effect of uncertainty in efficiency assessment and
               ranking of 30 banks in Malaysia.

               Keywords:  Data  envelopment  analysis  (DEA), Mathematical programming, Robust optimization,
               Uncertainty, Negative data

                     A Review on the Development of Interval Iterative Algorithms for
                                             Polynomial Root Finding

                                      Nur Raidah Salim 1, b)  and Chen Chuei Yee 1, 2, a)

                                  1 Institute for Mathematical Research, Universiti Putra Malaysia,
                                           43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia.
                              2 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Universiti Putra Malaysia,
                                           43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia.

                                          a)  Corresponding author:

               Abstract. Many mathematical problems concerning nonlinear equations can be well interpolated as
               polynomials in  most cases. Interval  iterative algorithms are  among the most efficient ways  for
               polynomial roots finding. Recent interest in the research and development of this method stems from
               its capacity to overcome the theoretical limitations associated with point iterative methods in terms of
               order of convergence  and computational  efficiency. This review article  encompasses theoretical
               findings as well as algorithmic considerations, with the aim of presenting an overview of effective
               root-finding methods and the corresponding  methodologies.  Particular  emphasis is  dedicated  to
               iterative algorithms via interval arithmetic capable of approximating the zeros using fast and accurate
               algorithms while minimizing and enclosing the inevitable rounding errors. Several classical results,
               which substantially influenced the development of the subject, are also discussed in depth.

               Keywords: polynomial; interval arithmetic; interval iterative algorithm; order of convergence, root-
               finding method

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