Page 18 - programme book
P. 18


                                                PLENARY SPEAKER 1:

                                A Glance on Data Analytics and Its Applications

                                              Mohammad Reza Beik Zadeh

                                                      Axiata Malaysia


               Abstract. The presentation under the title “A Glance on Data Analytics and Its Applications” starts
               with an introduction to natural and artificial intelligent system as the baseline for introducing the main
               concepts of data itself and data analytics. Then illustrates how analytics thinking and holistic thinking
               may conceptually lead to generating insight and ends up with actionable decision.  The rest of the
               presentation highlights the eco-system of data analytics techniques and tools for applying statistics,
               machine learning and visual analytics on data to generate insights for decision and policy makers. The
               concluding  part presentation explains  several  applications  of data  analytics  and  AI  techniques  in
               different sectors to express the role of data analytics in future.

                                                PLENARY SPEAKER 2:

                  Mathematical Modelling of Natural Convection in a Cavity Filled with
                                                  Hybrid Nanofluid

                                                   Norihan Md Arifin

                         Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Faculty of Science, Universiti Putra Malaysia,
                                           43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia.
                                   Institute for Mathematical Research, Universiti Putra Malaysia,
                                           43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia.


               Abstract. Natural convection is a phenomenon in which the fluid motion is driven by buoyancy forces,
               caused by density differences due to temperature variations in the fluid.  Developing new models of
               heating and cooling systems is the common method to improve quality of product in industries. As a
               main element of these systems, we can note working fluids that have the duty to transfer heat energy
               from one place to another one.  The recent developments in technology require an innovative revolution
               in the field of heat transfer. Nanofluid is a developed fluid that has better potential for using in heating
               and cooling systems. Nanofluid is a kind of heat transport medium containing nanoparticles less than
               100 nm which are consistently and steadily dispersed in a base fluid. Hybrid  nanofluid as a next
               generation of nanofluid is developed which are having high thermal conductivity compared to mono
               nanofluid. Hybrid nanofluid refers to the formation of two or more nanoparticles in a base fluid. A
               numerical study is conducted to investigate the transport mechanism of natural convection in a cavity
               filled with hybrid fluid containing alumina Al203 and copper Cu nanoparticles are dispersed in water
               as a base fluid.  A comprehensive mathematical model is developed, which is solved using the Galerkin
               weighted residual along with finite element technique. The influences of the solid volume fraction on
               the convective flow, as well  as  the effect of the inclination  angle of the  sloping  wall on  thermal
               performances were examined. The streamlines, isotherm plots and the variation of the average Nusselt
               number are presented and discussed.

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