Page 77 - programme book
P. 77

                 An Efficient Tool for Monitoring Air Quality (PM10) at Several Cities in
                Peninsular Malaysia Using Functional Principal Component Control Chart
                                             with Data Pre-Whitening

                      Norshahida Shaadan 1, a) , Abdul Aziz Jemain  2, b)  and Zamira Hasanah Zamzuri 2, c)

                1 Center of Statistics and Decision Science, Faculty of Computer and Mathematics, Universiti Teknologi MARA,
                                                  40450, Selangor, Malaysia
                2 School of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science & Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM),
                                               43600, Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia

                                       a)  Corresponding author:

               Abstract. The use of a control chart to monitor air quality performance is important to assist in the
               management of the air pollution problem. This study aims to propose a control chart that enables the
               monitoring of daily air quality (PM10) over time. The control chart is developed based on daily curves
               data using Functional Principal Component Analysis. Using a control chart, any deterioration of air
               quality (PM10) can be assessed based on the pattern of detected anomalies. Continuous monitoring
               can be conducted using daily air quality indices, which are developed using the Hotelling T  statistics.
               To reduce the autocorrelation effect that may cause false alarm, data- pre-whitening is employed in
               this study. The application of the control chart was conducted using historical data, involving a seven-
               year period of data starting from 2004-2010 at several urban air quality monitoring stations located in
               Peninsular Malaysia.  The results of the analysis have shown that this functional data-based control
               chart outperforms the classical average-based control chart in terms of the number of indecisive out-
               of-control points. The implementation of data pre-whitening approach also reduces false alarms. In the
               context of an application, the results also show that the cities located in the west part of Peninsular
               Malaysia are more likely to experience more abnormal air quality (PM10). The control chart is proven
               to be practically useful as a monitoring tool to easily visualize the normal and abnormal trend of daily
               air quality (PM10) in this study.

               Keywords:  Air Quality, Control Chart, Functional Data Analysis, Data  pre-whitening, Statistical
               process control

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