Page 8 - programme book
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                                 SCIENCES AND STATISTICS (ICMSS2022)

                                               15 - 16 MARCH 2022

                                         11th -14th March 2022 (Monday)
               Time (GMT+8)
                  08:00 – 17:00                   Early Registration
                                        15  March 2022 (Tuesday) – Day 1
               Time (GMT+8)
                08:00 – 09:10    Online Registration                                         MAIN ROOM
                09:10 – 09:15    Briefing                                                    MAIN ROOM
                                 Plenary 1: Dr. Mohammad Reza Beik Zadeh
                09:15 – 10:10                                                                MAIN ROOM
                                 Title: A Glance on Data Analytics and Its Applications
                                 Opening Ceremony & Photography Session
                10:15 – 10:55                                                                MAIN ROOM
                                 by Prof. Dr. Mohd Roslan Sulaiman
                                 (Vice Chancellor UPM)
                                 •10:15 Negaraku and Putra Gemilang
                                 •10:20 Doa Recital
                                 •10:25 Welcoming Remarks by Chairman of ICMSS2022
                                 •10:30 Welcoming Remarks & Official Video by
                                         Representatives from Banasthali University
                                 •10:35 Officiating Speech by Vice Chancellor of UPM
                                 •10:45 Video Montage of ICMSS2022
                                 •10:50 Photography Session
                10:55 – 12:35                                                                ROOM A - D
                                 Parallel Session 1
                12:35 – 14:00    Break Session                                               MAIN ROOM
                14:00 – 16:20  Parallel Session 2                                            ROOM A - D

                                      16  March 2022 (Wednesday) – Day 2
               Time (GMT+8)
                 08:00 – 08:45   Online Registration                                         MAIN ROOM
                 08:45 – 08:50   Briefing                                                    MAIN ROOM
                 08:50 – 09:55  Keynote Address: Prof. Dr. Noda Nao-Aki                      MAIN ROOM
                                 Title: Intensity of Singular Stress Field (ISSF) Variations for
                                 Cracks and Adhesive Joints Based on Three-Dimensional
                                 Theory of Elasticity
                 10:05 – 11:00  Plenary 2: Prof. Dr. Norihan Md Arifin                       MAIN ROOM
                                 Title: Mathematical Modelling of Natural Convection in a
                                 Cavity Filled with Hybrid Nanofluid
                 11:05 – 12:45  Parallel Session 3                                           ROOM A - D
                 12:45 – 14:10   Break Session                                               MAIN ROOM
                 14:10 – 16:30                                                               ROOM A - D
                                 Parallel Session 4
                 16:35 – 17:15  Closing Remark                                               MAIN ROOM
                                 •16:40 Best Presenter & Poster Awards
                                 •16:50 Closing Speech by The Dean of Faculty of Science,
                                 •17:05 Video for Closing Ceremony
                                 •17:10 Photography Session

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