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on necessary changes in antimicrobial policies and guidelines, therapeutic options,
                 and diagnostic interventions. This programme has been proven highly successful in
                 promoting the rational use of antimicrobials through evidence-based interventions.

                 To support the nationwide implementation of antimicrobial stewardship, the Ministry
                 of  Health  developed  the  “Protocol  on  Antimicrobial  Stewardship  Program  in
                 Healthcare Facilities – First Edition” in 2014. This second edition of the protocol is
                 published given current development and references. The revised protocol provides
                 more  detailed  and  comprehensive  guides  for  all  healthcare  facilities  to  start  or
                 strengthen the antimicrobial stewardship programme.

                 I want to congratulate all contributors, reviewers, Pharmaceutical Services Programme,
                 Medical Development Division, and Family Health Development Division for their
                 commendable efforts in reviewing and updating this protocol. I hope this updated
                 protocol will be implemented effectively at the healthcare facilities to ensure rational
                 use of antimicrobials, reducing antimicrobial resistance.

                 Thank you.

                   Second Edition 2022 |  Protocol on Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMS) Programme in Healthcare Facilities  5
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