Page 39 - Novem December 2016
P. 39

Importance of Forensic Accounting in Countries of Business Opacity: A Means to End Fraud
        Countries with opaque business practices tend to share similar characteristics
        that justify the prevalence of fraudulent activities. As it was mentioned earlier,

        the factors that contribute to the fraudulent behavior in the financial sector can be
        categorized under four categories; culture, government and legislation (macro-

        level), management, and education (micro-level).

        The importance of adopting forensic accounting is thus highlighted, however, the
 E      process of introduction is not an on the spot process. On the contrary, it requires
 C      time and effort in terms of shifting cultural awareness to realize the importance of

 E      FA. That being said, the government as a primary facilitator and the educational
 P      systems should take part in creating awareness and shifting cultural mentality

 T      towards FA. Managements must also educate employees on FA and to adopt it as
 I      part of its system.

 N      A. Forensic Accounting in Culture
        Koh et al., (2009) conducted a study to examine the acceptance level of the public
        in Malaysia regarding forensic accounting. The study revealed that problems arise

        from the fact that FA service is still new to most of the businesses and even to the
        public in Malaysia. This leads to confusion among the public and some may even

        be unaware of the existence of the system. Therefore, the importance of the service
        is disregarded (goes unnoticed).

        Two variables affect the acceptance levels of the public for the practice of forensic
        accounting as the main tool in investigating a company’s account to detect fraud.

        The variables include the public’s understanding level on forensic accounting
        functions and the perception regarding the implementation of forensic accounting
        in the investigation. The understanding level of the public and the functioning of

        forensic accounting will determine whether the public in Malaysia will accept it as
        the main tool in investigating a company’s account in case of fraud. The perception

        of the public on the implementation of forensic accounting in the investigation of
        a company’s financial statement also determines the acceptance level of forensic
        accounting in the country.

        This study shows the importance of two basic components that should be available

        to create a ground for forensic accounting implementation; these elements are
        awareness and knowledge of forensic accounting as an anti-fraud tool

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