Page 11 - July 2015 Issue
P. 11
able to ind the person that quickly with all we had to EIJ: As you think about your entire career please
overcome. tell us about two of your MOST rewarding
Another more recent call was when we were called
to several different locations to search for a homicide Steven Lindsay: Well one was in Madison while
suspect from Houston. We had a quick response but the working for the police department there. I was
information was very limited and we were searching a heavily involved in a homicide investigation from
place where the suspect was thought to have led to. It beginning to end. The day the victim was discovered
was determined that the suspect was not there and we my partner and I worked about 31 hours straight on
went back to the original scene and began to search the case. Although it was not solved at that time, the
there, again about an hour after the original call by suspect was eventually located and arrested. It was
this point. We located two subjects in a wooded area rewarding to take a case from the beginning like that
that we couldn’t imagine would be the suspects after and work on all aspects of the investigation.
that long, but it was. That was a murderer that would
have never been located that night if it was not for the The other most rewarding thing I have to say, is
aircraft. working as a TFO for the Air Support unit. It was a
job and position that I never saw myself in. Not while
EIJ: You are certiied as an Airborne I was in Wisconsin and not even when I moved to
Thermographer, Please tell us what is an Airborne Austin. I remember in the academy thinking about
Thermographer? how amazing it was to work in a place that even HAD
a helicopter. I never dreamed I would be in it and I
Steven Lindsay: Basically this is someone who now am hitting my six year anniversary.
is trained in the airborne use of thermal imaging
equipment. It is an in-depth study of airborne thermal We at Elite Investigative Journal, Thank
imagery use in the areas of tactics, technology, and you! Steven Lindsay for sharing your
theory. experiences with us, you have an impressive

EIJ: I see that you are an Actor, Please tell us about career as a Tactical Flight Oficer. We wish
your appearances and other projects that you have you all the best with your acting career and
been involved in pertaining to your acting career. hope to see you in TV and/or Film very
soon. We salute you!
Steven Lindsay: Throughout my career as a police
oficer I have always looked for an unrelated hobby-
type job where I could do something different than
Law Enforcement to expand myself. It has led me on
various adventures to say the least. For several years
I was a part time mail carrier for the USPS, I also
spent several years buying auctioned storage lockers
and my most recent adventure was acting, something I
havenever done before in my life.

Texas and especially Austin have a strong production
base. I had done or been involved with a project
here and there over the years. When I started to see
them add up I realized that it was something I wanted
to pursue and began to submit for more projects.
Although the roles have been all relatively small I have
been involved with many feature and smaller ilms,
along with network television production.

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