Page 4 - July 2015 Issue
P. 4
The Murder Mindset - An Overview Murderous Mitigations

By Randy Gonzalez

collectivist thinking, medical intervention or human
eugenics and “social hygiene”. Some would have us
believe that to deal with criminal behavior, we need
a purely biological approach to provide answers. And
yet, people are not entirely their physical nature alone.
They also possess a complex psycho-dynamic ability to
make choices, think freely and transform themselves.

Whatever the cover story or lirtation with subjective
validation, there’s seems a regression into post-modern
obsessions with reinventing the gross physicality
of “atavistic” theories. What devolves is a foolishly

Photo Courtesy of self-indulgent endeavor. That is, it tends to proclaim
From an outlook relecting the classical view of criminality as predetermined by either the externality
criminology, or rational choice conception, the of hostile forces, or the rigidity of inherited traits. As
following is from research entitled, Murder Mind in behavioral “proiling”, templates of “serial killer”
Matrix, or why people kill other people. Briely, simplicity reek with sweeping generalizations, scarily
a person kills because it serves their selish carnal close to racial prejudice.
interests. In the long run, it’s up to the criminal
to alter his or her lifestyle and change the choices As to another issue, there is no substantiation for any
he or she makes. Criminal behavior has more to certainty in an ability to predict criminal behavior, or
do with the willfulness of personal deception than reveal the unknown killer by getting “inside the mind”.
what many might think society does to the criminal. Neither is it highly reliable to think one can interdict
Most often, like so many of the rest of us, criminals criminality based on statistical “proiles”, or, for that
prefer to indulge in the justiication of their own self- matter, supposed theoretical constructs supported
righteousness. Murder mindset is willful. by limited interviews with murderers. Genetically
prone criminality has yet to be substantiated by

Once again, if you pay close attention, you ind a provable scientiic evidence. And, what are you
similar pattern of characteristics, regardless of their likely to get when you base your conjecture on input
background, neighborhood or parental dynamics. from criminals? Exactly, you conirm bias based on
Typically, like the immature juvenile who sees deception.
themselves as the center of the universe, the criminal
enjoys lying, evading, and otherwise skimming over From the “medical model” approach, or sometimes
any facts that disagrees with his or hers. Often, we referred to as trait theories, there is a bio-social
forget that the criminal is very calculating and in schematic that suggests there is an inheritance of
control of the pursuit of an illicit objective. Instead, predispositions toward deviance. Oh please, who
there’s a tendency to focus on the outcome of a believes that? Come on, there’s no basis for that.
particular incident and not the totality of the criminal As such, the extension of that perspective connects
personality involved. By doing this in a very narrow allegations of defect in one’s genetic makeup. As
sense, people ind it easier to explain why someone precursors to criminal behavior, multitudes will
committed a crime as “impulsive” and “irrational”. mystically conjure all types of excusable justiications.
This of course is false. In particular, the supposition is often proposed that this
also means “anti-social” behavior as well and there
Additionally, in similar fashion ind excuses, there might be a medical “cure”. You could be born with
continue to be attempts with varied methods of social it, the product of a “bad seed”. Such specious notions
engineering, begin to sound like old theories of “social hygiene”.

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