Page 28 - January Febuary 2016 Issue
P. 28
Wounded Warriors as Army Professional and Tension Between Selless Service and Self-Interest
Walter Reed Army doctors lobbied to get Captain B is a single infantry oficer who
the Boston bombing victim’s long-term care joined the WTU after surviving an IED blast
transferred to Walter Reed and the MATC. 32 in Afghanistan where he was in charge of
This action by Army leadership potentially security detail for the brigade commander.
reinforces wounded warriors’ perception that Captain B lost his leg when he tackled a
access to comprehensive care requires special suicide bomber attempting to assassinate his
status. commander. He only survived because the

terrorist’s suicide vest did not fully detonate.
Like many wounded warriors, Sergeant A goes
through the DoD and VA Integrated Disability When Captain B joined the WTU, he was
Evaluation System (IDES). During the IDES reminded that he is both an Army professional
process, he will be evaluated for itness for and a patient. He has to check in every
duty, eligibility for DoD medical retirement, morning with his section leader, an E-6. He
and a VA disability rating for service-connected has to develop a Comprehensive Transition
disabilities. The highly bureaucratic process Plan (CTP) with his care team to
was at the heart of the 2007 Walter Reed complete his mission of healing and
scandal. The DoD found him not it for duty, transition. According to the WTU fact page
but he has the option to return to active duty
through the Army’s Continuation Active Duty The CTP uses six domains: career, physical,
(COAD)program. The VA determined that he emotional, social, family, and spiritual to
has a permanent and total disability because establish goals that map a Soldier’s transition
he lost both feet. He is eligible for a 100% plan. As the owner of the CTP, the Soldier
disability rating from the VA. The COAD is empowered to take charge of his own
program, like the MATC, focuses on his transition and is accountable for developing
physical functioning. But he would be and achieving his goals while complying with
leveraging his status as a wounded warrior all the medical and military responsibility.
to qualify for the program. If he chooses to [emphasis added] 39
continue to serve, he subjects himself to the

uncertainty of Army bureaucracy and force Captain B must use “Speciic, Measurable,
reduction. The VA system, based on a medical Actionable, Realistic, and Time Bound
model and antiquated ratings schedule, assumes (SMART) Action Statements (to ensure) that
that he cannot work. As a “disabled veteran,” Soldiers have a clear understanding of their
he can collect VA beneits and compensation goals and how to achieve them.” When he
including caregiver compensation for his wife, said he felt micromanaged, Captain B was
TRICARE retiree beneits, Combat Related advised to “take ownership of his/her plan
Special Compensation, and Social Security to maximize the resources available to the
Disability Insurance. If he works as a civilian, WTU.” As a wounded warrior, Captain
he looses some of those beneits and subjects B’s professional practice has become
himself to greater economic uncertainty. administrative tasks to further his self-interest.
Neither system indicates what he should do as As security detail, he was trusted with the
an Army professional. brigade commander’s life. After his injury, he

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