Page 7 - November Issue 10 24 14_Neat
P. 7
I was a Licensed Private Investigator in New
York, Delaware, New Jersey and Pennsylva-
nia. You have to be a Road Warrior and very
patient with the suspect because he or she may
be represented by an Attorney. Most of the
time I got started at 4:00 AM and would ar-
rive at the resident of record no later than 6:00

AM. I could be as far away as 100 miles from
headquarters at any given time.

My irst order of business is to register with
the local police station; I did that so no one
would say “I have a pervert sitting outside of

my house checking out the school age chil- Courtesy of
dren”. Trust me; you do not want tactical Another case took place in September of 2000,
police rolling down on you at the last minute while I was working in the State of Delaware
just before the claimant emerges from his or in a low rent district. I was set up on the claim-
her home. ant and after a few hours, I got out of my car
dressed a hobo went over to the trash cans that

In July 2005, while working as a solo op- were sitting curbside. There inside of his cans
erative in Philadelphia, PA I was set up on a were drug paraphernalia, a broken scale, a few
claimant watching all modes of egress; sud- used baggies etc.
denly two men stopped outside of the right
side passenger car door. One of the men was It was the claimant who set out the two large
bragging about a shooting he did last night. I trash cans because I ID him earlier that day. He
at the time was sitting quietly inside my car as had a medical weight restriction of 10 pounds
he gave grisly details about the shooting. I had and there was heavy foot trafic going in and

a back up camera already set up for action and out of his conirmed residence of record. The
I turned it towards them. Then out of the blue, claimant was supplementing his income by
a car pulled up next to mine, a man began selling drugs. All fact-inding information was
shooting at the two men standing on the pave- passed on to my handler and they in turn con-
ment. One man was immediately struck and tacted the police. Needless to say, he too was
he went down. Meanwhile, I crouched deep caught on ilm.
down in my seat and called the Philadelphia
Police; they arrive right away to the scene. The next incident happened during the autum-
They took the wounded man to the local nal equinox of 2004. I was dispatched to the
hospital and I gave them the video tape. The City of Camden, NJ to investigate a possible
aftermath of the shooting made the neighbors fraudulent insurance claim. It was a beautiful
come outside; one of which was my target/ fall day, the sun was shining and the autumn air

claimant. I was able to shoot video of him was ever so sweet. It was nearing the end of my
jumping around as he was trying to explain tour of duty, suddenly; I saw that the claimant,
what happened during the shooting. or whom I so thought was the claimant, had
emerged from the resident of record.

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