Page 42 - Daggabay Magazine 8
P. 42

Hand made soap with the most incredible

                                                                                           Written  by  Kelly

      Thank  you  to  the  amazing  Louise
      Maxwell  for another fabulous Women of
      Weed (W. O. W.) event!   
                                                                       We      heard      from     incredible
      Hosted  in  Hillcrest  @  the  delightful                        speakers       about      their     own
      Brown  Cat  Cafe,  ladies  came  from  all                       healing journeys and I was once
      over the greater Durban area to join one                         again  humbled  by  how  deeply
      another for  a little learning, networking                       cannabis has assisted women in
      and lots of fun!                                                 different ways.

                                                                       The  atmosphere  was  electric,
                                                                       with  so  many  happy  women
                                                                       from  of  all  ages  and  cultural
                                                                       backgrounds  joining together to
                                                                       learn  and  heal  together  with
                                                                       cannabis.  Each  lady  was  also
                                                                       gifted  with  a  goodie  bag  full  of

                                                                       If  you  haven't  yet  attended  one
                                                                       of    these      events,      I    truly
                                                                       recommend  you  go  to  the  next
                                                                       one! It's a wonderfully inclusive
                                                                       space  where  sisters  can  learn
                                                                       from  each  other  and  encourage
                                                                       one another in a safe, supportive
                                                                       environment  and  I  have  made
                                                                       many  beautiful  friends  at  these
                                                                       events         A  massive  thank  you
                                                                       to  all  the  incredibly  generous
                                                                       sponsors  for  making  this  event
                                                                       so  special  and  supporting  the

      Debbie Towsen adding a little sparkle                            women of cannabis       
                         ✨  ✨
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