Page 4 - KNG2020 issue 1 v4 html 5 only
P. 4

Mr Summers Innovation Lead
One of the key things we are missing at the moment is just being around other people. Those day to day encounters that we always took for granted. The chats with friends at school, interaction with teachers, being ‘known’ beyond our own four walls and family. Social media can be great, making us feel part of something but we know how it can also bring us down and drain our time away. Something we would like to do is start building each other up through some good news stories and inspiring each other with our creativity. What have you always wanted to be good at? There’s probably a member of staff or student who might be able to help you out. Maybe you are that student! We were just launching the ‘Kingsmead News’ group when we had to close the building but we think it’s time to do something now.
So, start writing stuff, interview your family, write more poems, take more pictures, submit your favourite recipe and photo of the result, record a sports commentary of your dog fifighting with your cat, write a short story, make up a funny cartoon. Send it all to ‘innovation@’. Involve your teachers too. If you are doing a piece on ‘places you can’t go to at the moment, but you need to in the future...’ ask your geography teacher to look over it. Got a poem?... send it to your English teacher to check it over and collaborate with you. How about a science or technology angle? Who is aspiring to be a Biochemist or Doctor?
What about an article about how society works? Talk to your Sociology and/or History teachers for inspiration. Are there any ‘futurists’
out there who will help shape what things look like going forward? I imagine a magazine style paper that we can send out via ParentPay that is packed with your contributions. School is so much more than academic subjects, PowerPoints and grades! These are important parts of what we do but not all of it. It is about you, your skills and talents developing as you take on new challenges and develop your ability to grow in diffificult circumstances. This is all about your resilience. You will have found that you have really enjoyed listening to more music or watching more TV or playing more video games. These were all made by creative, innovative people. You will probably have had moments of sadness, joy, feelings of isolation or happiness. That’s what being human is all about but these strange times have made these emotions somehow deeper and maybe longer lasting. I think we are probably all more mindful of the importance of our mental well being.
Anyway, back to the project. Who’s up for some creative, inspiring good news?
Send your articles to ‘innovation@’ and look out for the next publication of.... let’s think of a name...maybe:
KNG 2020 - Kingsmead News Group. 2020 is ‘perfect vision’ as well as the year! It also sounds like a radio station.
Stay positive, be creative and look forward. You can start submitting your creations now ready for issue 2 because this one is here already!
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