Page 9 - KNG 2020 issue 2 nov 2020 v4_Neat
P. 9
Anxiety - Lillian Payne Y11
In today’s society the average student with this by learning loved one’s triggers be developed after bullying or may just
has the same level of anxiety as a and helping them through panic attacks surface in an anxious person, there does
1950s psychiatric patient. This shocking when they strike. not have to be a cause. In less severe
statistic only scratches the surface of Panic disorder is when a panic attack cases, if the person has someone that
the worries faced by students today. strikes with no cause. It is usually they are comfortable with accompanying
With the growing pressure of exams and caused by a traumatic event that could them, they will be able to tolerate the
social media it is common for students be repeated over a period. They attack situation but it is better to allow the
to feel overwhelmed. The changes can at random times and are unexplainable. person to choose what they attend as
be subtle but, in a student’s head it can The attacks can vary in severity from just long as it is optional (not school or work).
feel detrimental to the point that they small amounts of shaking to an attack Separation anxiety is also becoming
feel like an entirely different person. that could completely incapacitate you prominent in teenagers. This is where
Now anxiety has the opportunity to take for half an hour. These attacks cannot be they cling to a loved one and feel
hold in the uncertain and challenging tracked as the triggers are random and uncomfortable without them present.
circumstances we are facing today, and often unexplained so friends and family This can be a trusted adult or group of
many people will stay quiet and suffer in can only watch and help when they see friends. It is most seen in people who
silence. it is needed. have been struggling to make friends or
Most people will show a strong A specific phobia is a type of anxiety who have been discarded by a trusted
exterior when anxiety takes hold but that not many people recognise as a friend for others. This can happen when
there are small signs to notice, just mental health disorder. This is when people move on in the transition from
subtle changes in demeanour that can someone has an intolerable fear of a Primary school to High school.
be a cry for help. Everyone is different so specific trigger such as heights, certain OCD is obsessively worrying about
no one will react the same but if you are animals, confined spaces and even small things such as locking the door or
patient everyone would appreciate help if balloons. The person tends to shy away closing windows. This does not cause
you extend an arm. from the trigger, and it is a common panic attacks most of the time but can
The main forms of anxiety found belief that facing your fear will heal the cause stress and anxiety when unable to
in teenagers are Generalised anxiety damage. However, unless it is a very safe check the triggers. Mild forms of this are
disorder, panic disorder, specific phobias, environment and the person decided extremely common and can be treated
social anxiety, separation anxiety and themselves to face it, this is not the with small amounts therapy and other
obsessive-compulsive disorder. These case and it will most likely increase the techniques.
all affect people in similar ways but have fear as they will then associate it with a I believed this article was important
vastly different triggers. traumatic event. as anxiety and mental health is an ever-
Generalised anxiety disorder is when Social anxiety is another form that is increasing problem especially in High
you feel panicked most of the time extremely prominent in teenagers. This schools. No one should have to suffer in
without relenting. The triggers vary is a complex phobia where someone silence so if you see someone who you
from person to person, but they are fears entering social situations where think may be struggling, especially in
normally everyday things such as work they may have to interact with strangers these trying times, make sure to take the
or school. It is also the most common or address a large amount of people. time out of your day to ask them if they
form of anxiety. Generally, you can be In High schools this is difficult as it will are ok. It is always better when people
diagnosed with GAD if you have been make the child resent attending school notice and try to help.
feeling panicked most days for 6 months and they will, therefore, not have a good
at a time. Friends and family can help environment in which to learn. This can
KNG-2020 9